
  • 网络Sustainable design
  1. 这门永续设计课程的特色是一系列课堂讲稿,以及学期中所呈现的作业。

    This course on sustainable design features a set of lecture notes from the class , and the assignments presented during the semester .

  2. 认知到这一点,朴门永续设计也教授模式语言与应用。

    Recognizing this , Permaculture teaches Pattern Literacy and Pattern Application .

  3. 近年来,朴门设计系统也逐渐被运用在都市及郊区地区,而这也充分证实朴门永续设计的适用性。

    As further testament to its applicability , Permaculture is now being applied in many urban and suburban areas .

  4. 朴门永续设计的原则是一系列的态度、方法、和行动。

    Permaculture principles are a list of attitudes , approaches , and actions that are practical and not system specific .

  5. 在众多已开发国家的实践后发现,朴门永续设计能有效的改善,甚至解决需多城市因人口过盛而产生的许多问题。

    In many developed countries these applications hold much promise for dealing with the many issues associated with mass populations .

  6. 以仿效大自然的设计为基础,朴门永续设计也融合了其他的设计系统。

    Permaculture was created through the synthesis of many design systems , with the emphasis on nature as the penultimate one .

  7. 这般意识性的延伸之所以有发展的可能性,是因为朴门永续设计注重社会关系、型态与伦理多过于个体本身。

    These applications are possible because Permaculture is a design system that focuses on relationship and not so much on object .

  8. 而绿建筑是追求合乎环保的永续设计观念,现行绿建筑标章制度发展至今仍属起步阶段。

    The environment concept in Green Building as the current regulations is still new and at the initial stage in this area .

  9. 朴门永续设计不但是一个多层面、深入的设计系统,它还能帮助我们为各种环境建立起适当且永续的再生设计。

    Permaculture is a multi-faceted , in depth design system that will help us create appropriate , site-specific designs that are both sustainable and regenerative .

  10. 在美国,「朴门永续设计信用合作社」已经成立,更有绿色经济投资公司开始使用朴门永续设计的理念和原则来建立永续、有弹性的投资系统。

    In the United States a Permaculture credit union has been formed and'green'investment firms are using Permaculture principles and ideas to create resilient , sustainable investment systems .

  11. 朴门永续设计能有效分析及了解影响其他系统的因素。团体、组织及村落也都能利用它来自给自足。

    It is a way to reach an understanding of the various influences and flows involved in a system , be it self help groups , village , or organization .

  12. 虽然朴门永续设计是以土地为基础的设计系统,但随后已渐渐地拓展到都市环境中,也应用到各种社会、政治和经济环境等层面。

    Though its conception was as a land based system , its effectiveness has moved it into urban settings and to being applied in various social , political , and economic environments .

  13. 这个概念具有发展成真正指标性大使馆的最大潜能,在永续发展设计上也居领先优势。

    The concept holds the greatest potential for developing a truly iconic embassy and is on the leading edge of sustainable design .