
  • 网络color value
  1. 而色彩的明度和饱和度由于受到季节的波动较大,其振动发展的频率快且较为规律。

    As the fluctuate of saturation and brightness is affected by season , the vibration is quick and regular .

  2. 在色彩的明度上看:顶棚30%,墙面30%,地面40%左右。

    In terms of color brightness : ceiling is 30 % , wall is 30 % , ground is 40 % .

  3. 他大胆地将对比色彩的明度拉大,故意夸张主题的明度,而降低陪衬物的明度。

    He boldly contrasting colors of the brightness widening , deliberately exaggerated the brightness of the theme , which will reduce the brightness of foil material .

  4. 室内空间的材质设计应当遵循设计的形式美原则,应充分利用材质的故有特性来体现材料之美,如材料的软硬度,质地的细致和粗糙,纹样和肌理,色彩,明度,光泽等。

    Material designs should follow the rule of beauty in form and reflect beauty of materials by taking full advantage of inherent characteristic of materials such as material hardness , rough or smooth touch , pattern , color , brightness and sheen .

  5. 建议在体育场馆的建设中应充分考虑色彩的色相、明度、纯度、色彩的对比与场馆不同设施的关系。

    In the stadium hall construction , it should fully consider the relationship of the color appearance , the brilliance , the purity , and the color contrast with stadium hall .

  6. 强调画面中几个大色块的搭配,色彩的冷暖、明度、纯度几个方面的对比,呈现出二维画布上的空间秩序。

    Stressed the contrast between the few large blocks of color collocation , warm and cold colors , lightness , purity aspects , showing the order of the two-dimensional space on the canvas .