
  • 网络tonal anomaly
  1. 遥感色调异常分析的协同优化策略

    Optimized cooperating strategy for analysis of remote-sensing color tone anomaly

  2. 线性构造多呈平直,舒缓波状线性影象,条带,线(带)状色调异常等。

    Linear structures always present straight or slightly wavelike linear images and stripe shaped tonal abnormality .

  3. 遥感色调异常是遥感矿化信息识别和遥感找矿的重要标志。

    Remote sensing hue anomaly is an important indication for remote sensing mineralization information identification and ore-finding .

  4. 新疆准噶尔盆地某油气区细分红外遥感图像色调异常机理初探

    The mechanism governing FIMS remote sensing image tones of a certain oil-gas area in the Junggar basin , Xinjiang

  5. 异常范围内、外植物和土壤光谱存在一定差异,异常内还发现有烃类气体异常,这种色调异常极有可能与油气微渗漏有关。

    Gas discovered that the spectra of vegetation and soil were different inside and outside the tons anomalies , and in which some hydrocarbon anomalies existed .

  6. 建立了地球化学光谱遥感图像三位一体的遥感找油气模式,根据油气遥感色调异常对南盘江地区进行了评价和分类。

    The geochemical-spectral-remote sensing exploring oil-gas model is then set up based on oil-gas remote sensing color anomaly with which Nanpanjiang region has been assessed and classified .

  7. 图像上显示的色调异常,通过与红土涧矿区地质勘查资料对比和根据兰坪地区图像上典型地物样区色调理论分析,评价了遥感异常的地质意义。

    The geologic nature of the anomalies was evaluated by comparison with the geological work in Hong to jian area and by the theoretical calculation of the image sampling .

  8. 机载细分红外光谱遥感技术寻找油气资源的试验研究表明,该遥感图像的色调异常主要是反映烃类物质的光谱信息。

    The direct use of the airborne FIMS ( fine-split infrared multispectral scanner ) remote sensing techniques in search of oil and gas resources makes it clear that the FIMS remote sensing image tones bear much spectral information on the hydrocarbon series .

  9. 这些色调异常的形成,除了与油气圈闭相伴的油田水类型及总矿化度有关外,同时还受地貌和地表、地下水排泄条件、第四条沉积、植被等因素影响和干扰。

    The formation of tone anomalies was related with the type of water accompanied by oil-gas traps and the general mineralization , as well as affected and interfered by landforms , surface , drainage condition of ground water , Quatemary sediment and vegetation .

  10. 为了减少单一色调异常的多解性,必须同时利用遥感图像中的线性体和环形构造信息,建立油气圈闭的线性体-环形构造-色调异常影像模式进行油气预测。

    In order to reduce the ambiguity of unitary tone anomalies , the image model of linear features-circular structures-tone anomalies of oil-gas traps needs to be set up for the purpose of oil-gas prospecting , using the information of linear features and circular structures on remote sensing images .

  11. 原发性青光眼的色调分辨力异常

    Deficits of Hue Discrimination Ability in Primary Glaucoma