
  1. 色音符号语言的理性内涵和情感指向,构成了色、音抽象表现特征。

    The rational intension andsentimential meanings compose abstract expressional features of colours and sounds .

  2. 产品广泛应用到各种大、小娱乐场所、会议室、演唱会、色音棚等。

    Our products are widely used in all kinds of recreation , conference halls , performing spots , recording studio and so on .

  3. 色彩与音乐的描述性和表现性语言是基于色音同构的情感性,它是产生色音通感心理基础,也是色彩音乐性在情感上的表现。

    Description of color and music and expressive language is based on the color tone with the structure of emotion , which was the psychological basis of color tone synesthesia is emotional color musical performance .

  4. 色音的联觉通感,将表达音乐内在情感和思想的音调、节奏、等构成的音乐形象语言,溶入色彩画面的点线面、冷与暖、明与暗纯与灰等造型语言中。

    Color tone synesthesia synesthesia , the expression of inner feelings and ideas music tone , rhythm , figurative language such as music composition , integration into the color screen point line and plane , cold and warm , clear and dark gray and so pure and modeling language .

  5. 心念所造熏习中,所生显色与音声。

    Manifestation and sound arise from the subtle mental imprints created from thoughts .