
  1. 高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。

    Fine music , particularly opera , has become aspirational , like fine wine or foreign travel .

  2. 这项研究报告《志存高远的价值:进取心的前因和后果》(OntheValueofAimingHigh:TheCausesandConsequencesofAmbition)将刊登在即将出版的《应用心理学》杂志(JournalofAppliedPsychology)上。

    The study , " On the Value of Aiming High : The Causes and Consequences of Ambition , " will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology .

  3. GoogleX的目标是尝试瞄准月亮开炮&这样志存高远的项目需要激进的解决方案,如果成功的话可以解决重大问题(当然也可以为谷歌带来丰厚的回报)。

    The goal of Google X is to attempt moonshots & efforts that require a radical solution that , if they succeed , would solve a huge problem ( while making a nice return for Google , of course ) .

  4. GoogleX的目标是尝试“瞄准月亮开炮”——这样志存高远的项目需要激进的解决方案,如果成功的话可以解决重大问题(当然也可以为谷歌带来丰厚的回报)。

    The goal of Google X is to attempt " moonshots " - efforts that require a radical solution that , if they succeed , would solve a huge problem ( while making a nice return for Google , of course ) .

  5. Facebook首席运营长谢丽尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)在其引发热议的新书中劝说那些志存高远的女性应更“倾心于”工作——即更勇于表达展现自我。

    In her much-discussed new book , Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg tells women with high aspirations that they need to ' lean in ' at work -- that is , assert themselves more .

  6. 德赛人总是放眼未来,志存高远!

    Desay people always have great ambition and long perspective .

  7. 总结一下,我所说的:要志存高远;

    To summarize what I have said : aim for the highest ;

  8. 永远要志存高远并且分享你的爱和快乐。

    Always think big . Spread love & joy .

  9. 我们坚信,明天是属于志存高远、不断进取的志邦人!

    We convince that tomorrow will belong to the aggressive " Zhibang People "!

  10. 志存高远营造创新人才成长的环境

    On building up environment for the creative talent

  11. 未来,志存高远的采实人,必将开启新的航程,争创新的辉煌!

    In the future , we will start a new sailing and create new glory .

  12. 不过,志存高远的城市中产阶级而言,汉语仍旧是必学语言。

    But for the ambitious urban middle class Chinese is still the language to learn .

  13. 我能教你志存高远,但不能替你实现远大的目标。

    I can tell you about goals , but I cannot achieve them for you .

  14. 永远要志存高远,永远要努力工作,永远执着于你相信的。

    Always aim high , work hard , and care deeply about what you believe in .

  15. 追求卓越,志存高远,踏实做事,诚信为人。

    Pursuit made excellence , aspiration achieved eminence , unpretentious soared practicality , responsible humbled integrity .

  16. 金秋时节,学院成立;志存高远,阔步向前。

    In golden season of autumn , our college was established ; we are striding ahead with great ambition .

  17. 假如你已经被录用,并且有了一个良好的开端,我对你的建议是:要志存高远。

    Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started , my advice to you is " aim high . "

  18. 一些志存高远的服装、玩具及汽车生产商则希望在海外创立自己的独立品牌。

    And a few ambitious clothing and toy manufacturers , as well as automakers , hope to create their own independent brands overseas .

  19. 我们拥有志存高远、励精图治的管理层和大批资深的咨询员,以及耐心细致有甘于默默无闻的后台工作人员。

    We possess far-sighted management echelon , consultants with distinguished reputation and experience , and patient back-office staffs who are ready to the unknown .

  20. 常言道:”你出生卑微并不重要,重要的是你是否志存高远“。

    The saying goes : ' It doesn 't matter where you came from . All that matters is where you 're going . '

  21. 高力集团志存高远,以现代化国际企业为目标,倾尽全力为社会奉献超乎顾客期望的产品。

    Highnic group had high aspirations and a modern international enterprise as the goal , with every effort to devote themselves to exceed customer expectations .

  22. 创建伊始,即确立了“平和稳健、志存高远、诚信经营、持续发展”为经营理念。

    From its inception , namely the establishment of a " calm and strong , ambitious , honest management , sustainable development " as business philosophy .

  23. 我想对广东的姐妹们说一句,无论面对何种诱惑,要志存高远。

    I want to say something to girls in Guangdong that we should have a broad view and high goal of life beyond those material tempatitions .

  24. 解决这一难题时,他们应当志存高远。现在交易已经摆上谈判桌,只有有志者才能抓住这个机会。

    In piecing together this puzzle , they should lean towards greater ambition . There is a deal on the table for those willing to seize it .

  25. 历史的脚步已跨入以知识经济为鲜明特色的新世纪。如何应对新市场格局的挑战,是摆在所有志存高远的中国企业家面前的严峻考验。

    Now as we enter the new time of knowledge economy , how to face the challenge of the era is what all the wise enterprisers are thinking about .

  26. 该中心指出,中国以及其它金砖四国的职场母亲能够志存高远,部分原因是在照顾孩子方面,她们可以依赖的对象要多于美国或欧洲女性。

    Working mothers in China and other Bric countries are able to aim high , in part because they have more shoulders to lean on than their American and European peers when it comes to childcare , the centre noted .

  27. 该中心称,中国及其他金砖四国的职场母亲“能志存高远,部分原因是在照顾孩子方面,她们可依赖的对象要多于美欧女性”。

    Working mothers in China and other Bric countries " are able to aim high , in part because they have more shoulders to lean on than their American and European peers when it comes to childcare , " the center noted .