
  1. 亚运会志愿者徽章的派发是以志愿时积分制为基础的。志愿者每服务1个小时可以换取1分。

    The Asian Games volunteer badges are distributed on a basis of a point redemption scheme of volunteering service hours as volunteers can redeem one service hour for one point .

  2. 再一次,这些结果指向了具体的建议:当人开始做志愿工作时,他主要会对发展志愿者角色这个身份进行持续不断的努力。”

    These results , once again , lead to concrete advice : " Once an individual begins volunteering , continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity .... "

  3. Harold和EleanorWaldorf的女儿,由NathanielArchibald相伴。plan:计划计划2013年成为耶鲁大学的一员,Southampton:南安普敦(英国港市)她将会继续在南汉普敦度过夏天,charity:慈善机关(团体)志愿奉献时间给儿童慈善机构。

    Blair Cornelia waldorf , Blair Cornelia Waldorf daughter of Harold and Eleanor waldorf , escorted by Nathaniel Archibald , Plans to be a member of Yale 's class of 2013 . she will continue to summer , in Southampton and volunteer her time , to children 's charities .

  4. 我遇见一些人,参加志愿工作时并没有抱任何期望,但在工作的过程中,最后成为非营利组织的协调人。

    Ive seen people go into volunteering with no expectations , and further down the road , ending up working for a non-profit as a coordinator .

  5. 当你参与志愿工作时,很多时候你都会面临一些挑战,就像是参与了新的工作一样。

    That means that when you get involved in charity work , a lot of the time you will face challenges just as you would in a new job .

  6. 当青年人提供志愿服务时,他们有机会获得宝贵的生活和就业技能,他们在各自社区乃至全球社会的表率和参与能力也将得到加强。

    When young people volunteer , the opportunity provides them with valuable life and job skills ; it strengthens their capacity to lead and become engaged in their communities and global society .

  7. 刚开始参加志愿工作时,我从未想过自己会交到一群那么棒的朋友,但我发现当志愿者是认识人的好方法。

    I never imagined when I first took this on that I 'd find a group of brilliant friends , but I have discovered that volunteering is a great way to meet people .

  8. 据张丽回忆,在校发放志愿填报密码时,班主任的确曾记录过全班同学的密码。

    As far as Zhangli recalled , when the school give aspiration forms to students , the class teacher did record all students'password .

  9. 我在大学的好朋友都是在参与(志愿)计划时认识的——我们对生活都有同样的看法,而且都愿意每个星期抽出两小时。

    All of my best friends through university have been made through the project - we all have the same outlook on life and we 're all willing to give two hours a week .