
  1. 夏县的禹王城、东下冯、西阴;

    Xiaxian Yuwang the City , east of Fung , West Yin ;

  2. 作为夏文化的二里头文化,其二期文化就是在继承一期文化的基础上,受到西方原始文化和东下冯类型文化的强烈影响而形成的。

    As the Xia culture , Second period of Erlitou culture formed by inheriting first period culture .

  3. 如果把二里头文化二里头类型与东下冯类型结合起来考虑,则二里头文化就是夏文化确凿无疑。

    If Erlitou culture and type unifies with Dongxiafeng type , then Erlitou culture is Xia culture is conclusive without doubt .

  4. 该遗址的发掘为晋南地区尤其是运城盆地夏商文化遗存的研究提供了一批新材料,加深了对东下冯类型文化遗存的认识与研究。

    The excavation provides new materials for investigating the Xia and Shang remains from south Shanxi especially the Yuncheng Basin , and enriches the understanding of the Dongxiafeng cultural remains .