
  • 网络drop-down menu;select;Dropdown;Dropdowns;ComboBox
  1. 单击Search下拉菜单。

    Click the Search dropdown menu .

  2. 由于成功地进行了验证,这个ProjectItems的下拉菜单应该是激活的。

    As a result of this successful authentication , the Project Items dropdown should now be enabled .

  3. 对于要打开的页面的名称,在下拉菜单中选择main。

    For the name of the page to open , select main on the drop-down menu .

  4. 从测试用例下拉菜单之中,选择Run。

    From the test case drop-down menu , select Run .

  5. GuideMe窗口也可从Help下拉菜单打开。

    The Guide Me window can also be opened from the Help drop-down menu .

  6. 阐述了用C语言编写的下拉菜单式控制及处理软件。

    The drop-down menu control use C language and it 's process software are stated .

  7. XML与Flash实现动态下拉菜单

    To Practice Moving Status for Down-Drawing Menu in XML and Flash

  8. DROPDOWN&项目(通常)显示下拉菜单。

    DROP_DOWN & The item ( typically ) displays a drop-down menu .

  9. 基于网络SqlServer数据库增加下拉菜单的动态实现

    Dynamic Realization of Increasing the Drop-down Menu based on SQL Server Database

  10. 输入测试脚本名,从Type下拉菜单中选择FunctionalTester。

    Enter the test script name , select Functional Tester from the Type dropdown menu .

  11. 从项目下拉菜单之中,选择Connect选项。

    From the project drop-down menu , select the Connect option .

  12. 为了说明用途,单击Language下拉菜单,然后选择一种不同语言,比如Java。

    For illustrative purposes , click the Language dropdown , and select a different language , such as Java .

  13. 单击AssignBinding下拉菜单,并选择default。

    Click the Assign Binding drop-down menu and select default .

  14. 更为重要的是工作空间的property属性会在下拉菜单中为您提供project/workspacestatus选项。

    More important is the property properties on the workspace that gives you project / workspace status options in a drop-down menu .

  15. 登录平台并打开工作台后,单击Open,此时会出现一个下拉菜单。

    After you have logged in and the workbench window is open , click Open , and a drop-down menu appears .

  16. 由于您只加载了一个源&Allattack,所以从下拉菜单中选择它。

    Because you have only loaded one source All attack select it from the drop-down menu .

  17. 如果您查看了Name下拉菜单,在顶部您将会使用MyTheme。

    If you look at the Name drop-down menu , you will see My Theme at the top .

  18. 从这个Repository下拉菜单中,选择john@localhost。

    From the Repository drop-down menu , select john @ localhost .

  19. 选择Window下拉菜单右边的图标以捕获窗口的一部分。

    Select the icon to the right of the Window drop-down to capture a section of a window .

  20. 选择UpdateLayoutFile下拉菜单,并选择您想要使用的布局文件

    Select the Update Layout File drop-down menu , and select the layout file that you want to use

  21. 如果在下拉菜单中没有选定项,则按enter将插入一个新的空白行。

    If no item is selected in the drop-down menu , enter inserts a blank new line .

  22. 建议使用View下拉菜单中的Columns选项,以限制和整理这些列。

    My suggestion is to use the Columns option under the View pulldown to limit and order the columns .

  23. 下拉菜单并选择shipping约定。

    Drop-down and select the shipping contract .

  24. 为Savein域利用这个下拉菜单,导航来定位保存这个布局。

    Using the pull-down menu for the Save in field , navigate to a location to save the layout .

  25. 从“Selectafunction”下拉菜单中选择UUID,然后单击Ok。

    Choose UUID from the " Select a function " drop-down menu , then click on Ok .

  26. 使用下拉菜单仅仅重新分配事例(右击并选择Planfor)将不会去掉子代,或者子任务。

    Merely reassigning the story by using the drop-down menu ( right-clicking and selecting Plan for ) will not move the children , or subtasks .

  27. 从测试计划的下拉菜单之中,选择InsertTestCaseFolder选项以开始添加一个测试用例。

    From the drop-down menu of test plan , select the Insert Test Case Folder option to start adding a test case .

  28. name属性是对于那些想要明确地将此概要文件应用到模型上的人来说显示在下拉菜单中的概要文件的样子。

    The name attribute is how the profile appears in the drop-down list for those who want to apply this profile to a model explicitly .

  29. 此外,该工具栏提供了一个最近访问的图表的列表,可通过一个下拉菜单或按住Back或Forward按钮来显示。

    Additionally , the toolbar provides a list of recently accessed diagrams , either through a drop-down menu , or by holding down the Back or Forward buttons .

  30. 从下拉菜单选择要使用的本地存储库,并单击OK。

    From the pulldown menu , select the local repository you want to use , and click OK .