
  • 网络Horizontal Ruler
  1. 如果要调整表格列,可单击表格,然后拖动水平标尺上的列标记。

    To adjust table columns , click the table , and then drag the column markers on the horizontal ruler .

  2. 工作区域的左上角,垂直标尺和水平标尺在此相交。

    The upper-left corner of the workspace , where the horizontal and vertical rulers intersect .

  3. 环境意识是测评环境教育发展水平的标尺之一。

    Environmental consciousness is the important measure to assess the level of environmental education .

  4. 残疾人与健全人及整个社会之间的内在关系,决定了残疾人与健全人关系的远近亲疏是一个社会道德水平的标尺。

    The relations between the disabled and ordinary people are a mirror of the moral standard of a society .

  5. 科技论文发表数量的多少和质量的高低,是一把衡量国家和地区、科研机构、高等学校和科研工作者的科研能力与水平的标尺。

    The quantity and quality of published scientific papers is a measure tool of the scientific research ability and academic levels of nations , regions , institutions and scientists .

  6. 课程文化发展的客观标准是以课程文化内在的客观价值为基础的,它反映的是人与客观物质世界之间存在的一种客观关系。它以课程所代表的文化的生产力发展水平为标尺。

    The objective standard of the development of curriculum culture is based on the internal objective value of the curriculum culture and reflects the objective relationship between human beings and the material world , with the development level of productivity represented by curriculum as its indicator .

  7. 首先利用CT、MRI序列图像自身提供的水平和垂直标尺,通过本文所建立的投影模型对扫描过程中由于胶片倾斜等因素导致的图像变形进行矫正,求出自定义定位标记的相对坐标;

    The method first models the image deformation caused by the tilted film as a projection model , and makes use of CT and MRI sequence image rulers , both vertical and horizontal , to rectify the deformation and calculate a few user defined marker 's relative coordinates ;

  8. 衡量现代林业发展水平的新标尺:森林厚度

    A New Indicator for Modern Forestry Development : Forest Thickness

  9. 它是社会公正价值在教育领域的延伸和体现,是衡量一个国家教育发展水平的重要标尺。

    It incarnates the value of social equity in the field of education , reflecting the development of education in a country .

  10. 除此之外,学校作为推动篮球运动发展的动力之一,为我国篮球运动的发展起到了非常重要的作用,高校篮球竞技水平也是衡量一个地区篮球水平高低的标尺之一。

    In addition , the school as promoting the development of basketball sport motivation , one for the development of Chinese basketball has played a very important role in college basketball ; the competitive level is a measure of the ruler of the basketball level .

  11. 口语水平的高低是衡量一个人外语水平的重要标尺。

    The level of Oral Chinese is a measure of one foreign language level of important yardstick .

  12. 公务员职业道德水平也成为衡量一个社会整体道德水平的重要标尺。

    The level of civil servants professional ethics also become an important ruler of the level of the whole social morality .