
  • 网络Hydrolysis rate
  1. 温度和pH值对雷克拉水解速率的影响

    The Effect of Temperature and pH Value on Carbetamide Hydrolysis Rate

  2. 然而,随着溶液pH值的减小,反应途径(A)对总水解速率的贡献也将减少。

    However , the relative contribution of pathway ( A ) to the total hydrolysis rate should decrease with decreasing pH of the solution .

  3. 蛋白质水解速率和水解程度不仅依赖于酸或酶的浓度和水解时间,而且依赖于pH值和温度。

    The rate and extent of protein hydrolysis depend not only on the concentration of acid or enzyme and hydrolysis time but also on the pH value and temperature .

  4. 阐述了脲酶抑制剂氢醌对土壤中的尿素NH3挥发有抑制作用,延缓尿素水解速率。

    Urea inhibitor HQ can retard urea hydrolysis rate and loss of ammonium to air by volatilization .

  5. 同时,DDS在双前驱体中比单前驱体中的水解速率常数有很大程度的减少。

    Meanwhile , the hydrolysis rate constant of DDS in mixed system was smaller than the rate constant of DDS in the single DDS system .

  6. 利用Gaussian软件,优化了焦磷酸酯的构型,得到了磷原子电荷分布,结合实验结果,对不同结构的焦磷酸酯水解速率的变化规律作出了合理的解释。

    Using Gaussian , the optimized geometric configuration and charge distribution of pyrophosphates were obtained . Based on experimental results , the variation of the hydrolysis rate of different pyrophosphates was explained reasonably .

  7. 与此同时,我们还研究了磷酸酯的pKa值及溶液反应体系的pH值对总水解速率中不同水解途径的相对贡献的影响。

    We also have demonstrated how pK , of the ester and pH of the reaction solution affect the relative contributions of different hydrolysis pathways to the total hydrolysis rate .

  8. 并且发现,氯氰菊酯在水溶液中的水解速率远比马拉硫磷慢,但pH和温度对二者的水解效应相似,证明氯氰菊酯的水解机制与马拉硫磷相同,属于亲核反应。

    AS the hydrolysis rate of cypermethrin was increased with the raising of pH and temperature as that of malathion , it proved that the hydrolysis mechanism of cypermethrin , the same as that of malathion , was nucleophilic reaction .

  9. 在缓冲溶液中随着溶液pH的增大,PNPP催化水解速率提高;配合物中金属离子极化作用影响PNPP催化水解速率。

    The rate of the PNPP catalytic hydrolysis is increased following increasing pH value of the buffer solution and affected by the polarization action of metal ion of complex .

  10. 水解速率依次为:pH4<pH7<pH10,这说明碱性条件可以加速水解;

    The degradation rates were in the order pH4 < pH7 This shows that alkaline conditions enhance the hydrolysis of these pesticides .

  11. 采用一阶Hill方程可以较好地模拟胃蛋白酶提取猪皮胶原蛋白的进程,并且符合米氏方程的特征;用一阶指数衰减方程则可以表征胃蛋白酶水解速率的衰减过程。

    As a result , the process of the extraction can be seemly simulated by the first order Hill fit equation which had a similar form with Michaelis equation , while the progress of rate changing of pepsin 's decay was fitly simulated by the first-order exponential decay equation .

  12. 得到以下结论:随着温度的升高,水解速率常数也随之增加.根据阿伦尼乌斯方程,求得了水解反应的活化能Ea为9.45kJ/mol、指前因子A为2.30。

    The results were obtained as follows : with the rising of temperature , hydrolysis rate constants have been increased , and the hydrolysis reaction activation energy E_ ( a ) was 9.45 kJ / mol and A was 2.30 for the Arrhenius equation .

  13. 水解速率在油包水(W/O)微乳液结构介质中较大,且随水含量增加而减小,双连续(B.C。)微乳液结构中随水含量增加而变大;

    The hydrolysis rates are higher in W / O microemulsion media and decrease with the addition of water , they increase with that in B.C.

  14. 本论文运用毛细管电泳电化学检测法(CE-ED),对一些天然药物中的药效成分的物理化学常数进行测定。这些物理化学常数包括水解速率常数、结合常数和电离常数。

    In this thesis , some basic physicochemical constants including hydrolysis rate constant , binding constant and ionization constant of ingredients in crude drug were studied with capillary electrophoresis-electrochemical detection ( CE-ED ) .

  15. 试验发现,初始反应为一级反应,当淀粉酶浓度为0.1%(owf)时,一级反应活化能为26kJ/mol;随着温度的升高,淀粉水解速率增加很快。

    It was found that the initial reaction followed first order kinetics . When concentration of amylase was 0.1 % owf , the activation energy of first order reaction was 26kJ / mol , which demonstrated that hydrolytic rate of starch increased rapidly along with the increase in temperature .

  16. 硫乙内酰脲衍生物水解速率测定及其构效关系初步分析

    Determination of hydrolysis rate and preliminary structure-activity relationship of thiohydantoin derivatives

  17. 结果表明,相对于中性蛋白酶,碱性蛋白酶的水解速率更高。

    The results showed that alcalase capacity was higher than neutral protease 's.

  18. 杀螺胺乙醇胺盐的水解速率随温度的升高而加快。

    Its hydrolysis rate accelerated with the rise of temperature .

  19. 苯酐水解速率实验测定

    Experimental determination of the rate of hydrolysis for phthalic anhydride

  20. 温度升高,水解速率常数呈指数函数关系递增。

    The hydrolysis rate constant increases at a exponential function with temperature increase .

  21. 人工神经网络预测含硫芳香族化合物的水解速率常数

    Forecast the hydrolysis speed constant of aromatic sulfur - containing compounds by ANN

  22. 生物反应器填埋场固相垃圾的水解速率

    Hydrolysis Rate of Solid Waste in Bioreactor Landfill

  23. 氨基糖的研究Ⅱ&氨基上负电性取代基对2-氨基-2-脱羟-D-葡萄糖甙水解速率的影响

    Studies on amino sugars ⅱ . & effect of electronegative N-substituents on the hydrolysis of 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucoside

  24. 碱性条件下其水解速率要比中性条件或酸性条件下的水解速率慢。

    Its hydrolysis rate in alkaline solution was lower than in acid solution or neuter solution .

  25. 建立了尿素水解速率与四因素的回归模型。

    It built the regressive model between the rate of urea hydrolysis and the four factors .

  26. 本文对蛋白质酶水解速率的影响作了研究。

    Effect of pretreatment on enzymic hydrolysis rate of proteins in defatted rapeseed meal were studied .

  27. 水解速率随着介质中碱性和温度的提高而增加,并随着介质组成中盐离子的增加而减小。

    Raising the hydrolysis temperature and / or increasing the concentration of OH - increase the reaction rate .

  28. 水解速率的控制是产生均匀薄膜的关键。

    The control of the hydrolysis rate was a key to the production of a homogeneous thin film .

  29. 有机磷化合物的研究ⅩⅩⅢ.烷基膦酸二烷基酯的取代基结构参数与其水解速率常数的相关分析

    Studies on Organophosphorus Compounds XXIII . The Correlation Analysis of Hydrolysis Rates of Dialkyl Alkylphosphonates with Structure Parameters

  30. 因此,强化固液间的分子扩散和界面更新是提高树脂催化蔗糖溶液水解速率的途径。

    So , enhance the molecule diffusion and the interphaserenovation is the way to increase the rate of hydrolysis .