
  • 网络water pollution control
  1. 我国水污染治理行业2004年发展报告

    Development Report on Water Pollution Control Industry of China in 2004

  2. 水生生态调控及水污染治理中微生物的应用

    Aqueous Ecological Regulation and Application of Microorganisms in Water Pollution Control

  3. 微波诱导催化技术在污水处理中的研究进展微波诱导催化技术在水污染治理中的应用

    Research progress of microwave induced catalysis technology applied for wastewater treatment

  4. 湖泊水污染治理的流域生态保护对策分析

    Analysis on Basin Ecological Protection Countermeasure of Lakes Water Pollution Harness

  5. 金华江流域地表水污染治理对策研究

    Research of the Jinhua river valley surface water pollution control countermeasure

  6. 湘江流域水污染治理中地方政府间协作问题研究

    The Xiangjiang River Water Pollution Government Place Intergovernmental Cooperation Question Research

  7. 泰州石化水污染治理达标整体技术设计总结

    Integrated Technical Summing-up on Wastewater Treatment of Taizhou Petrochemical Complex

  8. 合成氨工业水污染治理技术研究

    Study on Water Pollution Treatment Technology in Synthetic Ammonia Industry

  9. 长江三角洲区域跨界水污染治理的多层协商策略

    Multi-layered consultation strategy for transboundary water pollution control in Yangtze River Delta

  10. 集约化畜禽养殖场粪水污染治理与资源化利用

    Pollution controlling and utilization as resources for manure of intensive livestock farms

  11. 小清河流域的水污染治理

    On the Control of Water Pollution in Xiao Qing He River Valley

  12. 关于环境生物技术在水污染治理中的研究与应用

    Study on Environmental Biological Technology and Its Application to Water Pollution Control

  13. 水污染治理技术中试实验室建设

    Construction of the Middle-test Laboratory of Water Pollution Treating Technique

  14. 异地补偿性开发是水污染治理的重要经济手段

    Different Compensatory Development is an Important Economic Means to Control Water Pollution

  15. 微波诱导催化技术在水污染治理中的应用

    Application of Microwave Induced Catalytic Technology in Water Pollution Treatment

  16. 淮河流域贝类生物地球化学研究与水污染治理

    The biogeochemistry of freshwater Mollusca from Huaihe River watershed and water pollution control

  17. 中国水污染治理行业发展动态&2001年年度报告

    Development Trends of Water Pollution Control Industry in China

  18. 常州水污染治理方案研究

    Study on water pollution control program for Changzhou City

  19. 基于委托代理理论的流域水污染治理激励机制分析

    Excitation mechanism of water pollution treatment for river basins based on client-agent theory

  20. 泰晤士河流域与太湖流域水污染治理比较分析

    Comparative analysis of water pollution governance of Thames River basin and Taihu basin

  21. 基于博弈论的流域水污染治理约束优化模型

    Constrained optimization model of river basin water pollution control based on game theory

  22. 巢湖流域水污染治理的研究

    Study on Harnessing the Water Pollution in Chaohu Basin

  23. 我国水污染治理行业发展状况

    Development Situation on Water Pollution Treatment Trade in China

  24. 松花江佳木斯江段水污染治理中存在的主要问题及建议

    Main Problem and Suggestions on the Administration of Jiamusi Part of Songhua River

  25. 在水污染治理工程技术发展过程中,新的环境问题不断出现。

    In the development of the water processing technology , new environment problem appeared .

  26. 谈水污染治理设施运行的监督管理

    Inspection and Management of Waste water Treatment Plant

  27. 第二,非营利组织是湖泊水污染治理的重要主体。

    Second , Non-profit organization is a critical part of controlling lake water pollution .

  28. 我国跨界水污染治理的体制矛盾及其协商解决

    The system contradiction on transboundary water pollution controlling in China and its consultation solution

  29. 滇池水污染治理及防治对策研究

    Investigation on countermeasures for water environment management and water pollution prevention in Dianchi Lake

  30. 论绿色保险在水污染治理中的角色定位

    The Role Location of " Green Insurance " in the Treatment of Water Pollution