
  • 网络customer loyalty
  1. 成衣是确保消费者忠诚度的关键

    Ready-to-wear is key to keeping customer loyalty in the bag

  2. 它将帮助他们维护消费者忠诚度,并确保汽车车主可以轻松将旧车脱手以便购买新车。

    It will help them to maintain customer loyalty and ensure that vehicle owners can easily offload their old cars so that they can buy new ones .

  3. J.D.Power的数据显示,我们在智能手机市场获得的消费者忠诚度排名第二。

    J.D. Power recently showed us to have the second-highest loyalty in the smartphone market .

  4. 基于消费者忠诚度的品牌评估方法

    The Brand Evaluation Method Based on Consumers ' Loyalty Degree

  5. 但它也印证了消费者忠诚度从百货及个人护理品牌向科技品牌的转变。

    But it also illustrates the shift from grocery and personal care brands to technology .

  6. 本文通过对国内牙膏市场的分析,选取广西柳州两面针有限公司开发的两面针牙膏为研究对象,利用基于消费者忠诚度的品牌评估方法,对该品牌资产价值进行了实证研究。

    Use the brand evaluation method based on consumers ' loyalty degree to evaluate it actually .

  7. 消费者忠诚度在目前市场上对市场主体的企业生存和发展具有重要意义。

    Consumer loyalty in the current market , the main market for enterprise survival and development of great significance .

  8. 而在品牌实践过程中,对消费者忠诚度的诊断是使品牌保持健康可持续发展的重要环节。

    Practice in the process of branding , consumer loyalty to the brand to maintain a healthy diagnosis an important part of sustainable development .

  9. 目前,高档卷烟市场品牌众多,竞争激烈;市场控制力不够,消费者忠诚度不高。

    Recently , high-grade cigarettes market facing the situation that many brands involving the fierce competition , inadequate control of the market , and consumer loyalty is not high .

  10. 正确的选择意味着最终赢得消费者忠诚度和竞争优势,对于奋斗在中国零售和消费市场中的我们来说,那些企业的做法令人困惑不解。

    This is perplexing to those of us working in the Chinese retail and consumer market , where doing the right thing ultimately means gaining consumer loyalty and a competitive advantage .

  11. 近年来,企业慈善已成为管理者增加利润,获得消费者忠诚度,提高员工士气和建立社区关系的一种手段。

    Corporate philanthropy has become a way to increase profit , gain customers ' loyalty , improve employees ' morale as well as set up a close relationship with local community for years .

  12. 创新实用的分销渠道、灵活优化的市场终端、创建极具消费者忠诚度的渠道品牌等,是控制市场取向和企业生命线的重要资本。

    Innovates practical retails of the channels , the nimble optimized market terminal , constructing the channels brand with extremely consumer loyalty and so on , become to be an important capital to control market orientation and the enterprise lifeline .

  13. 而供应商只有在满足一定的条件下才能从参与VMI中获利,因此供应商是否会有参与VMI的动机,要视供应商的产品和所在的行业性质以及消费者品牌忠诚度而定。

    And only under certain conditions suppliers can benefit from the participation of VMI . Whether the suppliers will have motivation to participate in VMI depend on the nature of the products and the brand loyalty of consumers .

  14. 中英消费者品牌忠诚度影响因素对比研究

    Comparative Research on Influencing Factors of Consumer Brand Loyalty between China and Britain

  15. 现有的品牌价值评估主要与消费者的忠诚度和产品的附加价格相关。

    The estimate of brand equity is mostly relative to customer loyalty and product additional price .

  16. 他表示,信任度上升进而提高了消费者的忠诚度和参与度,并增加了网站回访率。

    In turn , enhanced trust increases customer loyalty and engagement , he says , and encourages return visits .

  17. 成功的高价瓶装水透过独特的故事和设计、品牌化和沟通的强化,成功建立了稳固的消费者品牌忠诚度。

    Successful premium bottled waters often have a unique story , great design , powerful branding and communication , helping to build strong consumer loyalty .

  18. 并以提高品牌知名度、消费者品牌忠诚度、创立国际知名品牌为目标,从品牌形象、品牌营销手段、品牌营销环境、品牌定位和全球化的品牌目标等五个方面提出了解决办法和决策建议。

    It aims at enhancing brand popularity and custom ' loyalty towards brand and creating international well-known brand . This paper offers resolution and proposition of decision-making on brand image , marketing skills , marketing environment , orientation and global brand target .

  19. 贝恩驻上海合伙人、该报告的主要作者兰尼斯(BrunoLannes)说,人们总有这样一种期待,即随着中国市场趋向成熟,中国消费者的品牌忠诚度也会不断提高,但我们现在认为不是这样的。

    There 's always been an expectation that the Chinese will become more loyal as the market becomes more mature and we 're saying no to that , said Bruno Lannes , a Shanghai-based partner for Bain and the lead writer of the report .

  20. 品牌个性化能增强消费者的品牌忠诚度,形成企业持久的品牌竞争力。

    The brand individualization can strengthen consumer 's brand loyalty , thus forms the long-lasting brand competitive power .

  21. 本研究主要是从情感忠诚这个角度来测量消费者的品牌忠诚度,所选样本全为武汉地区在校大学生。

    Brand loyalty was measured mainly from the angle of emotional loyalty ; the sample was university students in Wuhan .

  22. 体验营销是新的时代企业重新塑造差异,赢得消费者满意度和忠诚度的武器。

    Experience marketing is the new weapon for each corporation to build their differences and win satisfaction and loyalty from consumers .

  23. 企业要培育消费者的品牌忠诚度,首先需要了解在该行业哪些因素会对消费者的品牌忠诚产生重要影响。

    In order to improve customer brand loyalty , managers need firstly to get the idea of what key factors to influence customer brand loyalty .

  24. 兰尼斯说,过去有一种期待就是,消费者的品牌忠诚度会逐渐提高,但我们认为中国不会沿着这个方向发展。

    ' There was an expectation that loyalty would increase , ' he said . ' But we don 't expect China to really evolve this way . '

  25. 由于老年消费者拥有品牌忠诚度和品牌惯性,因此,新产品市场份额的年增长速度几乎不可能超过几个百分点。

    Brand loyalty and inertia among older consumers will make it almost impossible to grow the market share of new products by more than a couple of percentage points a year .

  26. 汽车行业的一项研究表明,在利用美国消费者对车型忠诚度不断变换的模式方面,相对于其美国竞争对手,亚洲汽车制造商处于更为有利的位置。

    Asian carmakers are better placed than their US rivals to take advantage of shifting patterns in American buyers ' loyalty to a vehicle type , according to an industry study .

  27. 在产品同质化的现象日益突出,竞争日益激烈的市场环境中,功能和质量相近的产品主要靠各自的品牌来实现其差异化,而消费者的品牌忠诚度则是实现这种差异的关键因素。

    In the intense market competition , the only way to make diversity of products of similar functions and quality is making use of the brand , which was caused by the brand loyalty of consumers .

  28. 最后,需要注意的是,提高消费者满意度和忠诚度的正确做法是,在对消费者进行细分的基础上,采取有针对性的策略,最大限度地让消费者满意。

    Finally , it should be noted that the correct approach to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty is to take a targeted strategy to maximize consumer satisfaction , on the basis of in the consumer segment .

  29. 市场竞争越演越烈,未来的时代是品牌的时代,在服务经济社会,服务品牌的成功建设能提高消费者的品牌忠诚度,为企业带来更广阔的市场前景。

    The increasingly fierce market competition reveals that the future will be the brand time . In service-based economy , the success of service-brand building helps increase consumers ' loyalty to brands , developing a more promising market for companies .

  30. 某些商品确实会让消费者产生一定的忠诚度,如啤酒、软饮料和口香糖等。

    Certain products do inspire loyalty , including beer , soft drinks and chewing gum .