
  1. 钢铁企业循环经济项目的环境经济效益分析

    The Environment Economic Efficiency Analysis of the Iron and Steel Enterprise Which Implementation Circulation Economy

  2. 任何长久的预测及可信度等都在多变的经济环境中降低,循环经济项目评价在项目决策与实施中起着决定性作用。

    Any long-term forecasts and confidence are all reducing in the changing economic environment , circular economy construction project evaluation and implementation of the project decision-making plays a decisive role .

  3. 本论文运用循环经济和项目管理理论,以H公司的生活垃圾处理项目(简称BPY项目)为例,对BPY项目从项目的可行性研究、项目实施过程中的管理重点等方面进行了详细的论证。

    Exerting the theories of Circulating Economy and Project Management , this article carefully argues H company ' living garbage development project exploit , whole planning and operation .

  4. 基于循环经济的项目效益评价体系及模型研究

    Research on Project Benefit Evaluation System and Model Base on Circular Economy

  5. 通过循环经济与项目管理体系的结合,提高项目实施过程中的资源利用率和减少项目建成后对环境的污染程度,实现经济的可持续发展。

    It can improve the utilization ratio of resource during the implementation course and reduce the degree of pollution after the project is built up through combining recycle economy with project management system .

  6. 目前全球有超过60个工业循环经济园区项目正在规划和建设之中,大多数项目在发达国家,尤其集中在美国、加拿大和日本。

    At present there are more than 60 global eco-industrial park project is in the planning and building , most of the projects in the developed countries , particularly concentrated in the United States , Canada and Japan .

  7. 其次,论文运用有关循环经济、项目效益分析和项目管理理论和方法,针对该公司烟梗废弃物再利用方案与环保安全、项目的效益和风险和项目的实施对策着重进行深入细致的研究论证。

    Secondly , this paper about recycle economy , project benefit analysis and project management theory and method , in view of the company tobacco stem waste reuse plan and environmental protection safety , project risk and benefit and project implementation countermeasure focuses on in-depth and careful studies demonstrate .

  8. 循环经济下的项目管理体系研究

    Research on Project Management System under the Recycle Economy

  9. 大力支持资源节约和发展循环经济的重大项目建设。

    Strong support resource conservation and economic development revolving construction of major projects .

  10. 提出炼钢和制铝工业循环经济试点的项目建议。

    Make the suggestions on piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and aluminum-making industries .

  11. 基于循环经济理论的旅游项目开发管理

    Management of Tourist Project Exploitation Based on Recycling Economic Theory

  12. 基于循环经济理论的聚氯乙烯项目研究

    Study on Polyvinyl Chloride Based on Circular Economy

  13. 最后提出了企业环境管理成本效益分析模式,并结合案例从循环经济理念和环保项目资本预算这两个角度对其进行了分析。

    Finally , the thesis puts forward the cost-benefit analysis mode of the environmental management in enterprises and analyzes it through the cases from two angles , which is the principle of circular economy and capital budget in the environmental protection items .

  14. 本文在概括国内外推动循环型社会发展动态以及实施立法活动的基础上,对我国正在开展的循环经济立法研究项目进行了系统介绍。

    Beginning with an overview of promoting circular economy and legislative initiative at home and abroad , the legislation study of circular economy in China is introduced systematically in this paper .