
xún huán yí wèi
  • Cyclic shift;circulating shift
  1. PLC循环移位指令的用法

    The application method of PLC cyclic shift instruction

  2. 基于循环移位前导序列的OFDM载波同步方法

    Carrier Frequency Synchronization Scheme of OFDM Based on Cyclic - shifted Preamble Sequences

  3. 该方法首先用相关验证产生m序列优选对,然后用循环移位模二加生成Gold序列,最后搜索得到平衡Gold序列。

    At first , m sequence optimum pairs are generated by correlation verifying , then Gold sequences are made , finally balanceable Gold sequences are searched .

  4. 文章对一种适用于分组密码算法的循环移位器IP核的设计进行了研究,该IP核的可重构设计使其具有可复用性。

    A sort of reconfiguration cycling shifter for Block Cipher Algorithm , which was designed as IP core for reusing , was studied in this paper .

  5. spusl的操作方式相同,不过执行的是移位(shift)操作,而不是循环移位(rotate)操作。

    Spu_sl operates the same way , but performs a shift instead of a rotate .

  6. 文章在进行循环移位运算的算法和性能分析的基础上,对循环移位器IP软核与硬核的设计作了详细阐述。

    This paper discusses the design of hard and soft IP core of cycling shifter particularly on basement of analyzing the arithmetic and capability of cycling shift operation .

  7. 提出一种基于Bezier曲线的红外图像边缘检测的循环移位算法。

    A new method for edge detection of IR image based on Bezier curve is proposed .

  8. Q矩阵是约束满足问题的解,具有快速搜索算法,并能用循环移位的方法获得Q矩阵集。

    A Q-matrix is a solution of a constraint satisfaction problem , which features a fast searching algorithm and can form the Q-matrix set by cyclic shift .

  9. 给出了准对合MDS矩阵和多比特循环移位变换特征向量的计数公式。

    This paper provides count value formulas of characteristic vectors for quasi-involution MDS matrices and multi-bit cyclic-shift transform . 4 .

  10. spurl会对val的每个元素进行向左循环移位,移动的位数是在count的对应元素中指定的。

    Spu_rl rotates each element of val left by the number of bits specified in the corresponding element of count .

  11. 循环移位置换单元是准循环LDPC码的部分并行译码器的重要组成部分。

    Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes .

  12. 介绍了FX2系列PLC循环移位指令的几种应用技巧,这些技巧具有实用价值。

    This paper introduces some application skill of FX2 series PLC cyclic shift instruction , which possess practical value .

  13. 本文通过改进的Hamming距离计算和循环移位编码方法对虹膜进行匹配。

    In this article , improved Hamming distance is brought out to calculate and cyclic shift the coding method to match the iris .

  14. 该方法首先用相关验证法产生m序列优选对,然后用循环移位模2加生成Gold序列,最后搜索得到平衡Gold序列,实验结果表明该方法结果正确,便于实现且较为简单。

    At first , m sequence optimum pairs are generated by correlation verifying , then Gold sequences are made , finally balanceable Gold sequences are searched . The result shows that it is concise and practical by contrasting with other methods .

  15. 本文研究了一种基于循环移位矩阵结构的LDPC码,提出了一种高效的基于特征矩阵的LDPC码构造算法。

    An LDPC code structure using cyclic shift matrices and an efficient LDPC code construction algorithm using the characteristic matrices is proposed .

  16. 该算法采用Hamming距离分类器,通过虹膜编码的循环移位搜寻最小距离值作为最终匹配依据。

    The algorithm uses the Hamming distance classifier , searching the minimum distance of iris codes as the basis for the final match after cyclic shift .

  17. 新的正交变换具有良好的谱域特性,它们的谱是原正交变换的窗谱组合,其中由H积生成的正交变换还具有对于循环移位的功率谱点不变性。

    The spectra are combinations of window spectra of original orthogonal transforms , wherein the transforms generated by using H product have invariant property of power spectra for cyclic shift . All these methods are new tools for spectrum analysis and digital processing .

  18. 相比Benes和ReverseBanyan等交换结构,设计的新型循环移位置换单元提高了信息循环移位交换的速率,且占用较少的硬件资源和面积。

    Compared to Benes exchange structure and Reverse Banyan exchange structure , the novel structure increases the exchange speed for information cyclic shift and occupies less hardware resource and area .

  19. 同步偏差可能对接收信号产生数据相移、数据幅度衰减、数据循环移位、符号间干扰和信道间干扰等不利影响,所以同步技术是OFDM系统能否正常工作的关键因素。

    Synchronization errors will introduce some undesirable effects to the system , such as phase shifting , amplitude attenuation , data cyclic shifting , inter-symbol interference and inter-carrier interference , so synchronization technique plays a key role in OFDM system .

  20. 多用户参考信号解复用技术包括ZC序列共轭相乘、迫零处理、IDFT处理、时域滤波、时域循环移位、DFT与去零处理等过程。

    The de-multiplexing reference signal includes ZC sequence conjugate multiplication , forced to zero , IDFT , temporal filtering , time-domain cyclic shift , DFT and zero truncated processing process .

  21. 通过研究SRS序列的特点,提出了一种新型的基于ZC序列性质和循环移位特点的信道估计方式,并用于接收端估计信道转移函数(CTF)。

    A new method of channel estimation based on the characters of ZC sequence and cyclic shift has been proposed and used to get the value of channel transfer function ( CTF ) .

  22. 分析了采用RS(n,k)编码的一种在MSK调制方式下基于循环移位的M进制直接序列扩频通信系统在Rayleigh衰落信道中的性能,给出了准确的误码率公式。

    The performance of a kind of MSK modulated cyclic shift M-ary direct-sequence spread spectrum communications system that employs RS ( n , k ) coding in Rayleigh fading environment is analyzed in this paper , and the exact expression of bit error rate is given .

  23. 使用截断和边带不变量转换,如循环移位等,对初始的CAZAC序列进行修改。

    By using truncation and sideband invariant switch like a cyclic shift , etc. , the initial CAZAC sequence can be modified .

  24. 该方法通过循环移位、加窗和迭代等步聚,巧妙地消除了相位补偿中转动相位分量(RPC)对估计平动相位分量(TPC)的影响。

    When the phase compensation is performed , the proposed approach smartly eliminates the effect of the rotational phase component ( RPC ) on the estimation of the translational phase component ( TPC ) by circular shifting , windowing and iteration steps .

  25. 证明了利用有限素域Fp上的循环移位拉丁方Dp和拉丁方Wp产生的全向置换必定是Fp加群上的完全映射,而且这类全向置换一定是F上的线性函数。

    This paper proves that the omni-direction permutations constructed by recurring shift Latin square Dp and Latin square Wp on the finite primary field Fp must be complete mappings on Abelian group Fp , and prove that these omni-direction permutations are also linear functions on Fp .

  26. 通过预置本原元向量表达的初始值,不断的进行向量循环移位来生成有限域中的元素。生成有限域中所有元素后,即可按迹函数计算出GMW序列。

    By initiating the values of vector description for a primitive element , all finite field elements could be generated by continue cyclic shifting , GMW sequences then could be generated by trace function calculation .

  27. 文章给出了F4上的一种新型线性递归序列模型,即把循环移位算子添加到F4上的线性递归序列上。

    This paper presents a new_type linear recurring sequence model over F_4 by adding cycle shift operator to linear recurring sequence over F_4 . We first transform study of the model into research on linear recurring sequence over a module .

  28. 其次研究了使得多载波相位编码脉冲信号具有较低PMEPR的两个基本设计:相同序列(IS)设计和类chirp信号连续循环移位(COCS)设计。

    Secondly , we research the two designs of multi-carrier phase code pulses with low PMEPR : identical sequences ( IS ) and consecutive ordered cyclic shifts ( COCS ) of an ideal chirp-like sequence ( CLS ) .

  29. N/4循环移位列率功率谱不变性

    An N / 4 Circular Shift-Invariant Power Spectrum on Sequency

  30. 一种行列配对及循环移位的图像置乱方案

    A Row Column Partnership and Recurrence Displacement Scrambling Method for Digital Image