
  1. 专业从事各种汽车机械配件、精密机器零配件的加工生产和服务。

    Ltd was established in1989s , which specialize in production and service of Auto and Machine Parts .

  2. 它们真的需要把产品交给中国去加工,例如,当他们有聪明的机器零工资不停地工作的时候?

    Do they really need to outsource production to China , for example , when they have clever machines that work ceaselessly without pay ?

  3. 实际应用中,许多机器零(部)件要求材料表面耐磨而内部具有良好韧性,如果单纯在高锰钢中加入强化相合金元素制成均质耐磨材料,在提高材料硬度的同时往往会降低材料的韧性。

    Although many machine parts require good surface wear resistance and good internal toughness , homogeneous wear resistant material by adding strengthening phase alloy elements to high manganese steel has higher hardness and less toughness at the same time .

  4. 一种几何定理机器证明的零维化方法

    A Zero - Dimensional Method for Mechanical Geomery Theorm Proving