
  1. 因此,由自由飞行空间机器人代替宇航员完成作业任务受到了广泛的关注。

    Free flying space robots ( FFSR ) are concerned for instead of astronauts to completed tasks in a wide range .

  2. 利用空间机器人代替宇航员进行太空作业,不仅可以使宇航员避免在恶劣太空环境中作业时可能受到的伤害,还可以降低成本、提高空间探索活动的效率。

    Space robots are utilized to complete space tasks instead of astronauts , which will not only avoid potential injury of astronauts while carrying out space tasks , but also decrease the cost and improve the efficiency of space exploration activities .

  3. 随着人类探索太空步伐的前进,空间机器人和机器人宇航员已经成为各国竞相研究的重点。

    With the pace of the advance of human space exploration , space robots and robot astronauts have become the focus of the space competition .