
zī liào fēn xī
  • data analysis
  1. CT检测技术及其资料分析在混凝土结构检测中的应用

    CT Examination Technology and Data Analysis in the Detection of Concrete Structure

  2. BP模型在土石坝资料分析中的应用

    Application of BP model to data analysis of earth-rock dams

  3. 根据我所收集到的资料分析,他们看来还不打算采取任何行动。

    From what I was able to glean , it appears they don 't intend to take any action yet .

  4. 用MODIS遥感资料分析四川盆地气溶胶光学厚度时空分布特征

    Characteristics of aerosol optical depth distributions over Sichuan Basin derived from MODIS data

  5. 利用NOAA卫星AVHRR资料分析云的性质

    Analysis of the cloud properties using noaa / avhrr data

  6. 利用NOAA卫星资料分析平原地区林木的温度效应

    Using NOAA satellite data to analyse the temperature effect of forest tree in plain areas

  7. 目的探讨三参数weibull模型在临床随访资料分析中的应用。

    Objective To study the application of 3-parameter weibull model in distribution of survival data of follow up in clinical .

  8. 利用GPS、连续倾斜和地震活动性资料分析了伽师地区构造活动的特点和伽师强震群的动力背景。

    On the basis of the data of GPS , continuous tilt and seismic activity we researched the tectonic characteristics in southern Tianshan mountain area and dynamic background of 1997 Jiashi earthquakes .

  9. 目的:利用SAS程序实现ARIMA模型,探讨ARIMA预测模型在季节性时间序列资料分析中的应用。

    Objective : To establishment the SAS procedure of ARIMA Model and to investigate the application of ARIMA predictive model in seasonal time series .

  10. 使用国家卫星气象中心的AMSU资料分析了淮河流域发生的中尺度云团中降水最可能出现的位置。

    The probable position of mesoscale convective precipitation is analyzed with AMSU data .

  11. 通过资料分析、现场考察和地球物理勘探以及钻探等手段,对通过闸址区而直接影响船闸群安全的F5断裂进行了系统的分析和评价。

    The comprehensive analysis and evaluation was made of the fault F5 which passes the site and directly influences the ship lock 's safety .

  12. 方法采集33例散发性PD和6例家族性PD患者外周血液,提取DNA,通过PCR扩增、琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定parkin基因第3~7外显子缺失突变,并结合临床资料分析。

    Methods DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of 33 sporadic PD patients and 6 familial PD patients . Deletion mutations of parkin gene were identified by PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis . The clinical data were analyzed together with the above information .

  13. 目的通过临床资料分析,对QCT骨密度测量中的扫描定位、图像测量等技术问题进行探讨,对椎体松质骨与整体骨的密度变化进行分析,找出规律。

    Objective Through analysis of clinical data , to research the technique of positioning , scanning and image measurement of bone mineral density with QCT , to study the change regularities of bone mineral density ( BMD ) in cancellous bone and whole body of lumber vertebrae ;

  14. 通过对中日科技人员2002年夏季在安徽省肥西县进行的中尺度天气观测试验资料分析,阐述了用风廓线仪和RASS雷达资料反演02~22km高度范围内湿度廓线的方法。

    The methods are proposed for calculating humidity profiles in the range of 0.2 km to 2.2 km in altitude by means of the wind profile / RASS data from the Feixi observing experiment site in Anhui Province in Summer 2002 .

  15. 慢性胃痛中医证候的消化道X线征象研究附:182例资料分析

    Research on X-ray Signs of Digestive Tract of Chronic Gastralgia Sydrome

  16. 本文研究主要采用实证研究、规范研究和资料分析的方法。

    This study uses empirical research , normative research and data analysis .

  17. 医学资料分析与检索系数据分析、捕捉、检索

    Medical literature analysis and retrieval system data analysis , capture , retrieval

  18. 185例肾穿刺活检病例的病理与临床资料分析

    Pathological and Clinical Analysis of 185 Cases of Renal Biopsy

  19. 全国第二次冠心病介入性治疗病例注册登记资料分析

    A data analysis of the Second National Coronary Intervention Registry

  20. 陕西省15903例恶性肿瘤住院病人资料分析

    An Analysis of 15903 Inpatients with Cancer in Shanxi Province

  21. 热带太平洋和印度洋海气相互作用事件的资料分析研究

    Data Analyses on the Tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean Air-Sea Interaction Events

  22. 土石坝渗流观测资料分析模型及方法

    Analysis model and method of seepage observation data for earth rock-fill dams

  23. 双黄连注射液不良反应的文献资料分析

    Retrospect analysis of adverse reactions of Shuanghuanglian injection from documents

  24. 黑龙江省地下水位动态特征及动态资料分析

    Dynamic Character and Information Analysis on Groundwater in Heilongjiang Province

  25. 儿童晕厥30例病因及临床资料分析

    Etiologic analysis of 30 cases of syncope in children

  26. 儿童少年期精神分裂症50例临床资料分析

    Analysis of the clinical features in 50 patients with child and adolescent schizophrenia

  27. 神经功能缺损评分的比较研究&193例资料分析

    Compare Analysis of the Neurological Functional Deficit Scales in 193 Patients with Acute Stroke

  28. 损伤程度鉴定中的临床资料分析

    Clinical material analysis of degree of injury appraisal

  29. 利用六臂地层倾角测井资料分析地应力

    Using Six-arm Dipmeter Log to Analyze Ground Stress

  30. 利用测井资料分析成岩作用对储集层的影响

    Application of Well Logging Information to Analysis on the Effect of Diagenesis in Reservoirs