
  1. 中学英语教师的资源意识的调查研究

    The Research on Resources Awareness to the English Teachers from High Schools

  2. 教师的课程意识包括主体意识、生成意识和资源意识。

    Curriculum consciousness involves subjective consciousness , productive consciousness and resource awareness .

  3. 从执政资源意识到执政成本观

    From Governing Resource Consciousness to Governing Cost Perspective

  4. 强化资源意识管好户外广告

    Strengthen Resource Ideology Control Outdoor Advertisement

  5. 树立客户信息的资源意识&来自湖北省鄂南印刷厂的经营管理经验

    Resource Consciousness of Customer 's Information

  6. 一是要确立民族地域多元文化课程资源意识。

    Lastly , it discusses ways of improving the exploitation of multi-culture curriculum resources in minority areas .

  7. 从当前来看,就要加强领导意识、学者意识、资源意识、特色意识和协同意识。

    The headmaster-training should boost up headmasters ' consciousness of leading , scholar , resource , characteristic , and cooperation .

  8. 它主要包括课程目标意识、课程实施意识、课程资源意识、课程评价意识四个方面。

    It mainly includes curriculum goal conscious , curriculum implementation consciousness , curriculum resources developmental consciousness and curriculum evaluation consciousness .

  9. 随着人类环境意识、资源意识的不断深化,越来越多的国家签署了国际环境公约。

    With the enhancement of environmental and resource consciences of human being , more and more countries have signed the international environmental conventions .

  10. 提高水资源意识和建设节水型社会是徐州市水资源可持续利用的根本途径

    Increasing the awareness of water resources , constructing a water-saved society are the basic ways to insure the sustainable utilization of water resources

  11. 增强资源意识,正确处理用好教科书与开发、利用相关课程资源的关系。

    To strengthen resource consciousness , and deal with the relationships between making good use of textbooks and developing and utilizing related curriculum resources .

  12. 新一轮的语文课程改革提出语文课程须增强课程资源意识,重视课程资源的开发和利用。

    New reform of Chinese course proposes that Chinese course must strengthen the resource consciousness and pay attention to the development and usage of resources .

  13. 而学术性的前提条件诸如问题意识、社会意识、文字修养意识、资源意识、合作意识等应该得到人们的重视。

    And the preconditions of the academic periodical such as issue consciousness , social consciousness , literal training consciousness , resource consciousness , co-operative consciousness , etc.

  14. 对于高中语文教师课程意识的构成方面,本文综合了前人研究成果,认为它包括:目标意识、生成意识、资源意识、主体意识、评价意识。

    As for the constitutions of the course consciousness , the author thinks it includes orientation awareness , generation awareness , resource awareness , subjectivity awareness and evaluation awareness .

  15. 教师要改变自己的教学观念、知识结构和教学方式,强化课程资源意识,变革自己的教学行为,改变学生陈旧的学习方式。

    Teachers should change their teaching ideas , knowledge structure and teaching method , strengthen course resources consciousness , reform their teaching behavior , change students ' old-fashioned studying method .

  16. 学校为创建品牌教育,必须突破现行教育体制对创建品牌教育的种种制约,树立起三种最重要的思想意识:服务意识、文化意识和资源意识;

    During the course of establishing educational brand , schools must break through the restrictions imposed by current educational systems and possess awareness in terms of service , culture and resources .

  17. 高校生态道德教育是一种新型的德育活动。它的实施对于加强广大青年学生的环保意识、资源意识和生态意识具有积极意义。

    The education of ecological ethics in institutions of higher learning is a new branch of moral education , which is conducive to raising students'awareness of the environment , resources and ecology .

  18. 虽然思想政治教师课程资源意识日益增强,但是在思想政治课课程资源的开发与利用的实践中仍存在诸多严重的问题。

    Although many teachers are more and more conscious of the curriculum resources , however , some serious issues still exist in the development and utilization of the curriculum resources in political course .

  19. 加强师资培训,强化教师的课程资源意识,提高教师课程资源开发与利用能力,从而逐步扭转课程资源利用率低的现状。

    To strengthen training to improve awareness of curriculum resource of teachers as well as to improve their ability to develop and utilize curriculum resource and then to convert the situation of low exploit rate .

  20. 语文教师作为教学活动的主持者,必须强化课程资源意识,充分发挥主观能动性,因地制宜、因时制宜地开发和整合利用各种课程资源。

    Teachers of Chinese language teaching activities of the protagonist , as must strengthen curriculum resources , fully subjective consciousness , adjust measures to local conditions , since in the development and utilization of curriculum resources integration .

  21. 但是,由于学校领导、教师等课程资源意识和开发能力的缺乏,使得一方面,课程资源特别是作为课程实施条件的课程资源严重不足;

    However , as school leaders ' and teachers ' lack of awareness and abilities in curriculum resources development , on one hand , curriculum resources , especially as conditions for curriculum implementation , are seriously scarce ;

  22. 调查表明:西部中学英语教师教育观念落后,课程资源意识淡薄,课程资源开发、利用程度较低。

    However , our investigation shows secondary school English teachers in western China are far left behind the ideas , their consciousness of developing and using English curri-culum resources is weak , and the resources are not developed and used well .

  23. 并针对存在的问题从两大方面阐述了相应的对策,即教师要增强开发利用课程资源意识,提高自身能力;挖掘红色资源的道德教育内涵,确保红色文化资源合理开发利用。

    Described the corresponding countermeasures for the problems from two teachers to enhance the awareness of curriculum resources development and utilization , and improve their own capacity ; mining red connotation of moral education resources to ensure that the red culture of rational exploitation of resources .

  24. 由于新兴媒体的不断发展,自身资源意识的淡漠,以及沟通协作方面的不足等原因,使得我国报纸广告的经营面临残酷的市场竞争,报纸广告的生存空间被不断抢占和压缩。

    As the rapid development of new media , careless awareness of resources , lack of communication and collaboration , and other reasons , the newspaper advertising business in China is facing grim competition . Meanwhile , the newspaper advertising ' living space is continuously occupied and compressed .

  25. 现行的美术学科教学论对教学目标整体性的研究不够深入,缺乏自觉的课程资源意识,忽视了学生的生活世界,很难适应美术新课程改革的要求。

    The research of the current art pedagogy to the integration of the teaching target is not deep enough and lake of the self-conscious awareness of the curriculum resource . It has neglected the students ' life and is hard to meet the demands of the art course reformation .

  26. 随着人们保护环境和节约资源意识的不断增强,环保法规政策的日益完善,企业界不得不重新审视资源的再利用和废弃产品的回收处理问题。

    With the incessant strengthening of people 's consciousness on environmental protection and resource economization , and as well the increasing growth of the laws and policies on environmental protection , enterprises have to survey the problems how to reuse the resources and deal with the scrap products again .

  27. 尤其是随着社会发展、技术进步、设备制造工艺水平、设备可靠性提高以及环境保护意识、节约土地资源意识增强,设计革命、模块化设计与研究工作就成为必然。

    Especially with the development of society , the progress of technology , the improvement of equipment manufacture technological level and equipment dependability , the strengthening of environmental protection consciousness and land resource economization consciousness , the design revolution , modularization design and research of design has became inevitable .

  28. 改革地质教育教学增强资源环境意识

    Reforming Geological Education and Strengthening the Consciousness of Resources and Enviroment

  29. 首先,监管能够增强公共对于节约、保护水资源的意识。

    Firstly , supervision promotes public awareness of water conservation and protection .

  30. 不断提高企业的资源节约意识。

    Improve enterprises ' sense of resource saving .