
  1. 对于高中生的课堂问题行为应有针对性地进行心理调控,掌握师生沟通、课堂激励、心理疏导的方法;

    Should have pointed regarding high-school pupil 's classroom question behavior carries on the psychological regulation , the teachers and students to link up , the classroom drove , the psychology unblocks method ;

  2. 在教学过程中,非语言沟通对于提高课堂教学效果,保证教学质量,增强教学的有效性起到了辅助作用。

    Non-language communication plays important role in teaching process and effectively aids the language teaching .

  3. 今年秋季,昆兰商学院将开始要求外国留学生修商务沟通和美国课堂惯例方面的课程。

    This fall , Quinlan will begin asking international students to take courses on business communication and U.S. classroom customs .

  4. 针对这三大问题,本文提出了相应的三大应对策略,即课堂教学话语转换策略、人际沟通策略和课堂教学事件管理权回归策略。

    The corresponding strategies are the transformation of the class discourse , the interpersonal communication and the returning to the class organization of the class management right .

  5. 因此,沟通媒介是课堂讨论得以实现的必要条件,是课堂讨论目的达成和思想政治课价值实现的重要载体与中介。

    Therefore , communication media is class discussion to the realization of necessary conditions , is a class discussion a purpose and the thought political lesson value realization of important carrier and intermediary .

  6. 然而,教师的人际沟通能力有何特殊结构?我国中小学教师的人际沟通能力发展状况如何?这些问题的回答对于提高教师人际沟通能力,促进课堂有效教学具有重要意义。

    How about the development of elementary and secondary school teachers ' interpersonal communication competence ? If we answer these questions , it is meaningful for teachers to improve interpersonal communication competence and to enhance classroom teaching effectively .