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ɡōu kǎn
  • ditch
  1. 而我们回报的,是染尽父亲双鬓的霜花,是刻满母亲脸庞如沟坎的皱纹。

    Our reward is to dye the frosting to make his father Shuangbin is engraved mother 's face as Goukan wrinkles .

  2. 任何抛弃脚镣的人连最小的沟坎都无法稳步跨过,因为他已不习惯这样自由地移动。

    Whoever threw it off would make an uncertain jump over the smallest trench because he is not accustomed to such free movement .

  3. 盈盈一握,手心里尽是滴水的温柔,任凭岁月流转,光阴如梭,磨不平的是掌心纵横交错的沟坎。

    Yingying a grip , the hand of the gentle heart is full of dripping , brushing years of circulationRusuo , grinding uneven Goukan criss-cross the palm .

  4. (三)在车辆、行人通行的地方施工,对沟井坎穴不设覆盖物、标志、防围的,或者故意损毁、移动覆盖物、标志、防围的。

    When setting up a construction site in a place where vehicles and pedestrians pass , installing no covers , signs or fences for pits , wells , ridges and holes , or intentionally damaging , destroying , or removing covers , signs and fences .