
  1. 写字教学在学生情操培育中的作用

    Role of Teaching of Handwriting in Training for Students ′ Sentiment

  2. 小学识字与写字教学改革的基本理念

    The reform of Chinese characters reading and writing in primary school

  3. 写字教学可以培养学生良好的非智力因素;

    Third , it can foster students ' non-intellectual factor .

  4. 写字教学可以提高中小学生的书写水平;

    Second , it can improve students ' writing skill .

  5. 农村小学写字教学的现状及对策

    The Teaching of Writing 's Actuality and Diplomacy

  6. 本文是作者为《小学写字教学手册》一书写的序言。

    This essay is the preface of A Handbook of Handwriting Teaching Course in Primary School .

  7. 笔者通过对写字教学的研究与实践,为教书育人,改进写字教学,促进学生全面发展,提供一些参考依据。

    It offers a good reference for the educating and cultivating students and therefore promotes the students'all-sided development .

  8. 运用评价之手推动中小学写字教学走向健康发展的轨道生产已经走上轨道。

    Promoting the Teaching of Handwriting by Evaluation in Primary & Middle Schools ; Production has already been put on the right track .

  9. 不论是古代语文教育还是现代语文教育,识字写字教学都是占据极其重要的地位的。

    The teaching of Chinese characters is very important , not only in the ancient Chinese education , but also in the contemporary Chinese education .

  10. 从此,语文综合性学习成为与识字与写字教学、阅读教学、写作教学、口语交际教学并列的语文课程结构体系五大板块之一。

    Since then , Chinese comprehensive learning has become one of five Chinese curriculum structure system in learning and writing word teaching , reading teaching , writing teaching and oral communication teaching .

  11. 汉字书写教学是语文素质教育的一项基本实用技能训练,写字教学的质量直接影响儿童写字和书面表达的效果。

    Content : The teaching of writing Chinese is a basic technology of the teaching of Chinese quality . The quality of writing has effect on the result of the children 's writing and composition .

  12. 汉字书写是汉语文的基本功构成之一,所以应该重视写字教学的基础理论研究,包括教学的原则、方法、手段和教学评价。

    The writing of Chinese characters is one of the basic skills required in Chinese language learning . Therefore , we must emphasize the research of the fundamental theories of handwriting teaching , which includes the teaching principles , teaching methods and teaching assessment .