
xiě shēng
  • sketch;paint from life;copy from life;draw, paint or sketch from nature
写生 [xiě shēng]
  • [paint from life; draw, paint or sketch from nature] 直接以实物或风景为对象绘画

  • 人物写生

  • 写生画

写生[xiě shēng]
  1. 学完色彩以后就是钢笔写生;接下来就应该是铅笔素描。

    Learning colour is pen paint from life later ; Should be pencil sketch next .

  2. 二)术科测验(包括水彩写生50%、铅笔素描50%)。

    Skill tests ( whether including water colour paint from life 50 % , pencil 50 % sketch ) .

  3. 她在艺校上学时曾为人体写生课当过模特儿。

    She had once posed for Life classes when she was an art student .

  4. 这幅画是直接写生的呢,还是临摹的?

    Was this picture painted direct from nature or from a copy ?

  5. “它们就像写生集,”纽约布鲁克林的一位艺术博客作者帕蒂•约翰逊(PaddyJohnson)说。

    ' They 're like sketchbooks , 'says Paddy Johnson , a Brooklyn art blogger .

  6. 去年11月,他令人震惊地豪掷6180万美元买下梵高(VanGogh)的一幅静物写生。

    he paid an eye-popping $ 61.8 million for a Van Gogh still life at Sotheby 's in November .

  7. 按住Alt键之间的“写活路线”和“暗影”层,以袒护与写生的轮廓(乙)的影子。

    Alt-click the line between the " sketchbook " and the " shadow " layers to mask the shadow with the sketchbook 's contour ( 21b ) .

  8. 山水画写生探微喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山冰川的变化

    On Mountains - and-Rivers Sketching Glacier Variations in Himalayas and Karakorum

  9. 与自然平行&谈油画风景写生

    Be Parallel to Nature & Painting Landscape from Life in Oil

  10. 设计专业基础写生课的变革与重组

    The Change and Reengineering on the Sketch of The Design Specialty

  11. 到贵州从江、广西龙胜写生;

    Sketch tour in Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Automous Region .

  12. 它在中国古代写生又称之为写真、写照、传神等。

    Chinese ancient painting , portraiture , vivid , called portrait .

  13. 从对景写生是山水画发展创新的前提条件;

    Sketching is the precondition of the landscape development and innovation .

  14. 从人像写生看素描与色彩的链接关系

    Links between Sketch and Color from the View of the Portrait

  15. 小学生风景写生画教学实验研究

    An Experimental Research on Teaching Landscape Sketching to Elementary School Children

  16. 我只想再看看你的写生簿

    and I just wanted to take another peek at your sketchbook

  17. 论色彩风景写生的画面构成与表现手法

    The Formation of the Colored Landscape Sketch and its Expressive Technique

  18. 这幅画是直接从大自然写生而不是从画上临摹的。

    It is painted directly from nature instead of from books .

  19. 试论如何在水彩风景写生教学中培养创作意识

    Discuss How the Watercolor Landscape Sketch Teaching Cultivating Creative Consciousness

  20. 我姐姐常到乡间去写生。

    My sister often goes into the country to sketch .

  21. 美就在我们身边&现代城市建筑风景写生技法

    Beauty Around Us & Architectural Landscape Representation in Modern City

  22. 观察与思考&写生色彩教学漫谈

    Observation and Thinking & the Instruction in Painting from Nature

  23. 北部小同修于罗东运动公园写生。

    Young initiates painting pictures in lo Tung sports park .

  24. 2,前期写生周;

    The earlier stage of painting in the second week ;

  25. 写生在中国画创作中的作用

    The Significant Role of Life Painting in Traditional Chinese Painting

  26. 写生可以消化传统,发展传统。

    Sketching can digest the tradition and also develop it .

  27. 随着时代的不同,山水写生的表现特征也有所不同。

    As time varies , the expressing characteristics of landscape sketching differ .

  28. 风景写生教学中情感的升华

    Feeling Distillation in the Teaching of Landscape Painting from Life

  29. 山水画写生的宗旨是写“境”。

    The Landscape sketch is concentrated on " state " .

  30. 照片写生有其局限性,应合理应用。

    Proper use of it should be made due to its limitations .