
  • 网络Write on the edge of life;The Marginalia of Life
  1. 这一切突出表现在他的《写在人生边上》一书中。

    All of these are reflected in his " Write on the Edge of Life " .

  2. 《写在人生边上》是钱钟书的第一本散文集,1941年出版。

    《 Write on the edge of life 》 published in 1941 was his first prose collection .

  3. 从《写在人生边上》看钱钟书散文的风格与魅力

    View on the Style and Charm of Qian Zhongshu 's Prose in Write on the Edge of Life

  4. 散文集《写在人生边上》贯穿着他的怀疑精神、否定精神、批判精神。

    His collection of prose Writings on the Edge of Life is full of his spirit of doubt , spirit of negation , and spirit of critique .

  5. 本文通过对《写在人生边上》一书的浅析,论述了我国一代名儒钱钟书的散文特色及其在文学史上应有的地位。

    Based on the simple analysis of the book " Written on the Edge of Life ", the prose characteristics of Qian Zhongshu , the famous Chinese scholar , and his proper place in literature are discussed .

  6. 在人生边上的智慧言说&钱钟书与《写在人生边上》与智慧人同行的,必得智慧。和愚昧人作伴的,必受亏损。

    A Wise Speech on the Edge of Life & Qian Zhongshu and His Writings on the Edge of Life ; Go with wise men and be wise : but he who keeps company with the foolish will be broken .