
  1. 山东大学知识分子思想改造运动研究

    A Study on Intellectuals ' Ideological Reform Movement in Shandong University

  2. 笔者着眼于建国初期知识分子思想改造运动这一历史事件,介绍其发生的历史背景,阐述其过程,剖析其发动的原因,并力求给以客观的理性的评价。

    Having the important historical event of ideological sphere in early years of new China in mind , the author introduces its historical background , elaborates its process , analyzes the reason that it started , and makes every effort to give it the objective rational appraisal .

  3. 对建国初期知识分子思想改造学习运动的历史考察&评《剑桥中华人民共和国史》的一个观点

    Thought in Early Stage of PRC Founding ── and a Comment on a View in Cambridge History of China : The Peoples 's Republic

  4. 但是由于马克思主义文论的教条化、庸俗化,以及知识分子思想改造、政治批判运动的泛化,学术研究受到各方面的制约。

    However , as the dogmatism and philistinism of Marxism , as well as the thought transforming in the intellectuals and the generalization of political criticism campaign .