
  1. 本文探讨了中国与发达国家在知识创新能力方面(如SCI)与技术创新能力方面(如国际专利数)的巨大差距,并分析了形成这一差距的原因。

    The paper discusses the large gap of the intellectual innovation capability ( such as SCI ) and the technological innovation capability ( such as patent number ) between China and the advanced countries , and analyzes the cause of the gap .

  2. 产业集群内知识创新能力影响因素及对策研究

    Study on Determinants and Countermeasures of Knowledge Innovation Capacity in Industrial Clusters

  3. 而集群有利于提高区域内组织的知识创新能力。

    Cluster is useful to improve its members ' ability of knowledge innovation .

  4. 企业员工知识创新能力模糊综合评价体系

    The Index Evaluation System And Fuzzy Judgment Of Employee 's Knowledge Innovation Ability

  5. 解读西部地区区域知识创新能力

    Research on Knowledge Innovation Capability in Western Region

  6. 构建基于知识创新能力的员工开发系统。

    Establish the employee development system based on knowledge innovation ability ( 3 ) .

  7. 三是提高知识创新能力,提供知识贡献。

    Three increase the creative ability of knowledge , and provide the knowledge contribution .

  8. 加强员工的培训是提高组织知识创新能力的重要途径。

    One of the significant ways in improving the capability of innovation is staff training .

  9. 而本文则侧重于强调这些感性思维能力在企业知识创新能力上的贡献。

    The paper focuses on the emotional thinking skills in the contribution to enterprise knowledge innovation .

  10. 学习化社会的进步与发展将促进知识创新能力的升迁。

    The progress and development of academic society will accelerate the promotion of knowledge innovation ability .

  11. 论知识创新能力

    On knowledge innovation ability

  12. 最后提出了体育大学生知识创新能力培养的四个基本途径。

    Last but not least , it proposes four basic approaches of nurturing knowledge creativity of PE majors .

  13. 高校教师的创新能力是由教学创新能力和知识创新能力复合而成的。

    In terms of the cultivation of innovative capability in the teaching faculty , five approaches are proposed and discussed .

  14. 作为竞争优势的源动力&知识创新能力在企业运营过程中发挥关键作用。

    As a source of competitive advantage , knowledge innovation ability plays a key role in the enterprise operation process .

  15. 其竞争力主要来自于集群的知识创新能力,而知识创新能力则取决于集群创新网络的质量。

    Its competitiveness depends on the knowledge innovation capability , and knowledge innovation capability depends on the quality of cluster innovation network .

  16. 研究生的创新能力应体现为学科前沿领域的知识创新能力。

    The innovative ability of graduate students demonstrated in the process of knowledge innovation should be knowledge innovation ability of subject frontier field .

  17. 站在哲学的高度上来谈知识创新能力的构成系统,是很有价值的,对大学生的培养具有指导意义。

    It is of much value and significance to consider the construct of knowledge innovation ability for development of college students from philosophical perspective .

  18. 文章构建了企业知识创新能力的评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价模型对企业知识创新能力进行了综合评价。

    The judgement system of enterprise 's knowledge innovation ability was estabished , and the enterprise 's knowledge innovation ability was analyzed by fuzzy judgement model in this paper .

  19. 根据城市创新的结构将城市创新能力分为城市创新的知识创新能力、技术创新能力、产业创新能力、制度创新能力、服务创新能力。

    According to the structure of City Innovation , CIC comprises of knowledge innovation capability , technology innovation capability , industry innovation capability , service innovation capability and system innovation capability .

  20. 结果显示,滨海新区在企业创新和创新环境方面领先于其他省市,而综合创新实力和知识创新能力方面略显薄弱。

    The results shows that Binhai New Area of innovation and innovation in the enterprise environment , ahead of other provinces and cities , while the strength of an integrated innovation and knowledge innovation capacity slightly weak .

  21. 对于国家与社会而言,博士的教育在很大程度上代表着一国的知识创新能力,是衡量国家综合实力的重要指标。

    As to the country , the standard of doctoral education , which is a significant index to weigh the comprehensive strength of the country , indicates , to a great extent , the capability of knowledge innovation .

  22. 第五章对于两大行业领先企业进行案例分析,则从实践角度验证了海外研发型子公司或机构对于母公司知识创新能力和技术水平的重要提升作用。

    Chapter V for the two case studies of industry leaders , from the practical point of overseas R & D-type verified for the parent company , subsidiaries or agencies of knowledge innovation ability and technology to enhance the important role .

  23. 基于企业知识创新能力的组织属性,反映出在企业系统知识框架下的知识共享和互补,在组织内部和组织之间的团队合作,以及能力型组织控制和管理模式。

    The organizational attribution on the basis of an enterprise 's capacity of knowledge innovation suggests the mutual sharing and complementary knowledge system of the enterprise , teamwork inside and outside the organization as well as efficient organization and management mode .

  24. 以培养与提高大学生、研究生与科研工作者知识创新能力为内涵,从重视自学能力、系统工程能力与创新能力的角度,讨论了知识学习与创新意识培养的关系。

    Focused on how to heighten the innovation ability of university students , graduates and scientific researchers . a discussion is made on the relationship between knowledge learning and the cultivation of the abilities of self-study , system engineering and innovation .

  25. 从教育管理看,培养大学生知识创新能力,应着力三方面工作:在正确的创新意识指导下进行高等教育制度的改革与创新;

    Seeing from education management , there would be three fields of work to be done for cultivating university student newly creation capacity : under the guiding of correct newly creation consciousness to carry out the reformation and creation of higher education system ;

  26. 从知识创新能力、技术创新能力、制度创新能力、服务创新能力和宏观发展水平等方面出发,用灰色聚类分析法对我国东部具有代表性的12个城市创新能力进行了聚类分析。

    The innovation ability of 12 representative cities in the east of China has been analyzed by the method of gray cluster analysis from the four respects of knowledge technology , system and service innovation abilities as well as the city macroscopic development level .

  27. 我们要注重教育方式的变革,提高学生对知识创新能力的培养,使学生具有独立获取知识的能力,具有开拓精神,使我们的高等教育培养出千千万万知识经济时代需要的高级人才。

    So our higher education should meet the demand of the times , lay a stress on the reform of education ways cultivate the students in the capa-bility of innovation and obtaining knowledge independently and turn them into senior talents to meet the needs of new knowledge economy times .

  28. 而企业作为相对独立的模块的载体,我们能够推导出在模块化价值链中影响产业升级的主要因素是企业技术创新能力、知识创新能力以及外部关系的创新能力。

    While the enterprises as the carrier of relatively independent modules , we are able to derive the main influencing factors of industrial upgrading in the module in the value chain of enterprise technological innovation capability , the ability of knowledge innovation and the innovation ability of external relations .

  29. 知识工作者创新能力开发的维度与对策

    Dimensions and Countermeasures to Develop Knowledge Workers ' Innovative Capability

  30. 铝电解工艺优化与环保节能技术创新及应用论知识创新的能力

    Craft improvement in aluminum reduction and technology renovation and application in energy-saving and environment protection