
  1. 倘若是总量问题,大学生就业问题会随着总体社会经济的进步,对知识型和技能型人才的需求而有所缓解。

    If it is the gross problem , the employment problem of college students will be better with the overall social and economic progress , the demand of talented and skilled person will ease .

  2. 一个项目运作成功与否,关键因素在于是否拥有具有相关知识和技能的复合型人才,在于项目团队建设的成败与否。

    Having the inter-disciplinary talent which have interrelated knowledge and skills , and constructing the project team successfully , are the pivotal factor to the success of project .

  3. 新的中小学音乐课程标准的制定要求教师不囿于单一学科的知识与技能,而成为具有综合素质与能力,掌握多方面知识技能的复合型人才。

    The new criterion for the music courses in primary and junior middle schools requires that the teacher should be versatile in many skills instead of being restricted in only one subject and skill .