
zhī zú
  • be content with one's lot;content
知足 [zhī zú]
  • [be content with ones lot] 知道满足,满足于已经得到的

  • 知足常乐

知足[zhī zú]
  1. 如今能有份工作就该知足了。

    It 's quite something to have a job at all these days .

  2. 他非常明智,拥有家庭和对自然的热爱便知足了。

    He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature

  3. 他好像总是非常知足和高兴。

    He seems quite contented and happy all the time .

  4. 知足者常乐。

    A contented person is happy with what he has .

  5. 他把人生一切苦难和不满都归咎于不知足的自私。

    He traces all the miseries and discontents of life to insatiable selfishness .

  6. 就在狐狸将要吃掉他之前,螃蟹说:“我真是活该,我没有理由要离开海边那个天然的家,像陆地栖息的动物一样,偏要到这里来定居。”知足才能常乐。

    Just as he was going to be eaten up , the crab said , " This is just what I deserve , for I had no business to leave my natural home by the sea and settle here as though I belonged to the land . " Be content with your lot .

  7. “知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫困”

    " Contentment is natural wealth , luxury is artificial poverty "

  8. 看起来什么都无法满足他那不知足的好奇心。

    Nothing , it seemed , would satisfy his insatiable curiosity .

  9. 人之所以有烦恼,原因在于无法知足。

    People have vexations because they not capable of being content .

  10. 知足吧,当你把想要的东西弄到了手里的时候。

    Be contented , when you have got all you want .

  11. 不知足和自私妨碍国家的进步。

    Discontent and selfishness strike at the root of national progress .

  12. 我们不懂知足的生活在谎言中。

    We do not know how to live in contentment lies .

  13. 只要有衣有食,就当知足。

    And having food and raiment let us be therewith content .

  14. 他很知足,只求他的奋斗最终能有成果。

    He was content if only the struggle might be fruiful .

  15. 他们是最知足的民族。

    They must be the most contented people in the world .

  16. 圣人就是世间唯一知足的人。

    The wealthiest man is he who is contented with least .

  17. 即使他有钱,但还是不知足。

    He is not contented even though he is very rich .

  18. 知足吧,没有完美的男人。

    Then be happy . Honey , no man is per-fect .

  19. 是时候懂得知足往前走了。

    It is time you count your blessings and move on .

  20. 切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。

    Do not greed windfall , one who is happy heart .

  21. 我要好好珍惜现在,当下。做一个知足的人!

    I will treasure the present and be a contended girl .

  22. 但是很少人会知足。

    But few people know when they 've had enough .

  23. 你们也该知足了,我已经尽了我最大的能力;我敢起誓。

    Content you ; I can no more , on my salvation .

  24. 这意味着我该知足才是。

    Which means I should just be happy with what I have .

  25. “知足”是一个可以学习的有智慧生活的技巧。

    III. " Contentment " is a learned skill of wise living .

  26. 纯净心灵,享受知足的快乐!

    Pure soul , and enjoy the satisfaction of happiness !

  27. 我听到很多的抱怨和担忧,很少的知足。

    I heard lots of complaining and worrying but not much contentment .

  28. 知足是人生在世最大的幸事。

    A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man .

  29. 他的不知足的野心能够使他脾气坏和不容忍。

    His insatiable ambition can make him short-tempered and intolerant .

  30. 如果有一只萤火虫同情地陪伴我,我就知足了。

    A sympathetic firefly would have been enough for me .