
  • 网络Do You Know;Knowing or Not Knowing
  1. 你知道不知道做好全麦面包的方法吗?

    Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread ?

  2. 你知道不知道北京夏天热不热?

    Do you know if summer in Beijing is hot or not ?

  3. wonder:想知道不知道BlairWaldorf怎么想。

    Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks .

  4. 有人问我们知道不知道全部内容。

    We were asked if we know the whole story .

  5. 他知道不知道我变成什么样啦?

    My God ! does he know how I 'm altered ? '

  6. 小伙子,你知道不知道青山下的金斯伯尔这个地方?

    Dost know of such a place , lad , as Kingsbere-sub-Greenhill ?

  7. 你知道不知道“受骗”这个词不在字典中?

    Did you know the word'gullible'isn 't in the dictionary ?

  8. 你知道不知道他喜欢什么样的女孩?

    Do you have any idea what kind of girl he likes ?

  9. 阿非利加,你儿子是个非凡的天才,你知道不知道?

    Africa , are you aware that you have sired a revolutionary genius ?

  10. 你知道不知道这个成语是怎样产生的?

    Do you know how the phrase come about ?

  11. 你知道不知道倭瓜和南瓜有时用来喂牲口?

    And do you know pumpkins and squash are sometimes fed to cattle ?

  12. 我不知道不知道我只知道

    I don 't know , I don 't know , all I know

  13. 我问她知道不知道那所建筑的名字。

    I asked her if / whether she knew the name of that building .

  14. 林赛知道不知道我和戴维恩的事情?

    Did Lindsey know about me and davian ?

  15. 她什么都不知道不知道钱哪来的,不知道任何转账

    She doesn 't know about the money , she doesn 't know about transactions .

  16. 我不知道不知道我只知道我现在是孤身一人

    I don 't know , I don 't know , all I know Is that now I 'm alone

  17. 你知道不知道,一个人要是坠入情网,就可能对世界上一切事情都听而不闻,视而不见了?

    Do you know how man can be so obssessed by love that they are deaf and blind to everything else in the world ?

  18. 有一个非常富有的德贝维尔夫人住在猎苑的近郊,肯定是我们的亲戚,你知道不知道?

    Do ye know that there is a very rich Mrs d'Urberville living on the outskirts o ' The Chase , who must be our relation ?

  19. 我手足无措地看着她,说:红袖,你知道不知道我有多想你,天天盼你来。

    I watched helpless , she said : tea , I do not know how you think you know , every day I hope you will to .

  20. 住耶利哥的先知门徒就近以利沙,对他说,耶和华今日要接你的师傅离开你,你知道不知道。

    The company of the prophets at Jericho went up to Elisha and asked him , 'Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today ?

  21. 你知道不知道,要领悟生活中有比吃喝、打架、争夺权势更重要的事,我们得经历多少世吗?

    Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating , or fighting , or power in the Flock ?

  22. 同样的,住耶利哥的先知门徒对以利沙说:“耶和华今日要接你的师傅离开你,你知道不知道。”他说:“我知道,你们不要作声。”

    Again , the sons of the prophets in the city of Jericho came to meet Elisha . " Do you not know that the Lord will take away your master today ? " Again Elisha shushed the prophets by saying , " Yes , I know it , don 't say anything else about it . "

  23. 他们对以利沙说:“耶和华今日要接你的师傅离开你,你知道不知道。”以利沙马上回答说:“我知道,你们不要作声。”也许因为他们马上停止谈论这件事,所以以利亚没有听见他们的对话。

    The sons of the prophets said to Elisha , " Do you not know that the Lord will take away your master today ? " Elisha quickly answered , " Yes , I know it , don 't say anything else about it . " Perhaps he quietly shushed them so Elijah did not hear their talking .

  24. 分享最新的谣言会让人觉得自己很重要,因为自己知道别人不知道的事情。

    Sharing the latest rumor can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don 't .

  25. 苏格拉底、迈蒙尼德、所罗门国王、爱因斯坦、高斯、甘地、安妮迪芙兰蔻以及甚至Yoda都曾经对他们知道和不知道的持有过有理由的、虚假的观念。

    Socrates , Maimonides , King Solomon , Einstein , Goethe , Gandhi , Ani DiFranco , and even Yoda have held justified , false beliefs about what they did and did not know .

  26. 你知道还是不知道气球在哪里?

    Do you or do you not know where it is ?

  27. 银行名字知道,不知道帐号。

    We know the bank , but not the account numbers .

  28. 不知道你不知道你喜欢什么?

    Don 't know . You don 't know what you like ?

  29. 科诺尔:不知道,不知道。

    Conor : I don 't know , I don 't know .

  30. 血液安全,我们知道和不知道的

    Blood Safety , what We Know and Don 't Know