
  1. 从哲学家亚当·斯密(AdamSmith)、大卫·休谟(DavidHume)到彼得·潘(PeterPan)、夏洛克·福尔摩斯(ShelockHolmes)的缔造者,苏格兰是英国知识与文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    From the philosophers Adam Smith and David Hume to the creators of Peter Pan and Sherlock Holmes , Scotland features prominently in Britain 's intellectual and cultural heritage .

  2. 科学史研究中的地方性知识与文化相对主义

    " Local knowledge " and cultural relativism in the study of history of science

  3. 知识与文化有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Knowledge and culture is closely connected .

  4. 本书注重趣味与品位的结合,知识与文化的结合,读与练的结合。

    This set of books combines interest and taste , knowledge and culture , reading experience and exercises .

  5. 在教学中把语言知识与文化知识的有机结合,可以培养学生的跨文化交际意识,不断提高学生的学习效率和跨文化交际的能力。

    The researches show that students ' learning efficiency and intercultural communicative competence improve greatly by integrating culture into English teaching .

  6. 同时,鼓励学生在日常交往中多用英语交流,了解语言知识与文化背景知识。

    At the same time , encourage student in daily contact multipurpose English exchange , understanding language knowledge and cultural context knowledge .

  7. 大学生是未来的希望,是知识与文化的继承者与传播者,因此对普通高校大学生武术终身化的培养也就是为全面发展中华武术服务。

    It is one of the most important ways to develop Chinese wushu to cultivate the spirit of life-long training of wushu in college students .

  8. 教育的根本目的在于实现个体社会化,促进个体知识与文化、现代性与民族性的全面发展。

    The fundamental purpose of education is to realize the individual socialization , and promote the individual all-round development , which contains knowledge and culture , modernity and nationality .

  9. 文章对蓝色与图书馆作了全新的诠释,论述了蓝色作为图书馆组织文化的色彩语言的多层含义:蓝色是知识与文化的一种色彩语言;

    This paper expounds newly about libraries and blue , and explains rich meanings of blue as libraries organization cultural color language . Blue is a color language about knowledge and culture ;

  10. 本文探讨了语言与文化的关系、外语教学中文化导入的内涵、方法与途径以及原则,并提出成功的语言交际有赖于语言知识与文化知识的有机结合。

    This article discusses the relations of language and culture , connotations , ways and approaches , and principles of cultural introduction in foreign language teaching , and suggests that successful communication should result in the organic combination of both language and cultural knowledge .

  11. 对课程改革文化适应问题的探讨,意在促使我们对课程改革中所存在的知识与文化疏离、改革与传统疏离等弊端进行反思,以获致一些有启发性的认识,寻求一种解决问题的思路。

    The discussion of the cultural adaptation in curriculum reform aims to help us recollect the malpractice in the curriculum reform , such as the alienation of knowledge and culture , and alienation of reform and tradition , to obtain some enlightenment , and to find a thread of problem-solving .

  12. 母亲将知识与家族文化传授给后代,并因此获得社会认同。

    By transmitting knowledge and family culture to next generations , the mothers acquired social recognition .

  13. 这种界限不但产生知识与全球文化产品,而且也会对全球文学市场流通中的情感经济进行干预。

    This boundary work generates not only knowledge production and global cultural literacy but also interventions in affective economies as they circulate in a global literary market .

  14. 因而,具有专业知识与跨文化背景的双语人才就成为拓展我国对外交流渠道、促进改革开放和提高国际竞争力的客观需要。

    Thus , it is the objective needs to cultivate bilingual talents with specialized knowledge and trans-cultural background to broaden our foreign communication and promote reform and opening-up policy and improve the international competitiveness of China .

  15. 论述了大学英语教学中文化教学的必要性与重要性,认为大学英语教学只有语言知识教学与文化教学并重,才能实现大学英语教学的最终目标。

    This article briefly states the necessity and importance of cultural teaching in college English teaching . Only in combination of language knowlege with cultural teaching , can the ultimate aim of college English teaching be achieved .

  16. 中小学作为基础教育,既承担着知识普及与文化传承,又是高素质人才培养的摇篮,对未来的决定作用更加凸显。

    Primary and junior high school conduct and actions foundation education , since undertake the knowledge to make widely available to spread culture , and again is a tall character talented person cradle that educate , decision future the function more highlight .

  17. 知识型垄断与文化型渔业经济探讨

    Discussion on Knowledge - based Monopoly and Culture - oriented Fisheries Economy

  18. 知识管理与医院文化

    Knowledge management and hospital culture

  19. 主要是从知识、思想与文化内涵、心理与发展规律、编制水平、导向性与特点五个维度对教材进行分析以及五个维度得分的比较;

    It makes a comparison and analysis of the teaching materials on the following dimensionalities : connotation of knowledge , ideology and culture , psychological and developmental rules , compiling level , orientation and characteristic .

  20. 文章阐述了知识管理与项目文化的关系,提出了建立以信任和学习型文化为基础的知识导向型项目文化,使知识管理在工程项目组织中能得到成功实施。

    This paper expatiates on the connection between knowledge management and project culture , advances to construct a knowledge guidance project culture based on trust and learning culture , it enables the knowledge management to successful achieve the implementation in the construction project organization .

  21. 关于知识管理与IT企业文化改革的研究

    Study on the Knowledge Management and the Reform of IT Enterprise Culture

  22. 知识经济挑战与国民文化科技素质提高

    Challenge from Knowledge Economy and Improvement of Citizens'Cultural , Scientific and Technological Qualities

  23. 论社会文化知识的传授与跨文化交际能力的培养

    On imparting social-cultural knowledge and fostering cross-cultural communicative abilities

  24. 浅谈知识经济与中国传统文化

    On knowledge Economy and Chinese Traditional Culture

  25. 验证了知识管理战略与组织文化的搭配对知识管理的有效性。

    Clarify the influence of the interaction between OC and KM strategy on KM performance .

  26. 高校图书馆文化的新内涵增加了阅读活动、知识共享与公共关系文化三点要素,这是本文的创新内容,也是新时期高校图书馆文化的发展重点。

    Three new elements have been added to the content of academic library culture , including reading activities , knowledge sharing and public relationship .

  27. 在知识经济与跨国多元文化的交错环境条件下,跨文化研究是解决经济全球化过程中跨文化冲突对商务决策带来负面影响的有效手段。

    Inter-cultural studies are the effective measure to deal with different side effects , when cross-cultural conflicts influence on business decision making in the process of economic globalization under the combination environment of knowledge economics and multi-cultural nations .

  28. 知识管理的基点:知识管理与组织文化

    Groundwork of Knowledge Management : Knowledge Management and Organization Culture

  29. 结果农村妇女对生育健康知识较为欠缺,农村妇女生育健康知识掌握状况与文化程度、接受医生相关指导的次数等因素成正相关,与经济收入水平未体现出统计学差异。

    Results Rural women 's health knowledge was not enough in Guizhou . It was related to education level and health communication from the doctors .

  30. 随着以信息技术为基础的知识经济的发展和经济全球化趋势的愈演愈烈,人类进入了知识与文化主导的新经济时代&创意经济时代。

    Based on information technology with the knowledge economy development and intensified economic globalization , Humans entered the knowledge and culture of the new economic era & Creative economy era .