
  • 网络national cultural psychology
  1. 从舶来语看民族文化心理

    View the National Cultural Psychology from the Borrowed Words

  2. 不同的语言由于民族文化心理不同,对同一事物的隐喻映射既有联系又有差别。

    Due to different national cultural psychology , metaphorical mappings have similarities and differences between languages .

  3. 论通假在民俗中的运用英汉民俗习语所反映的民族文化心理对比

    On the National Psychological Differences Reflected by the English-Chinese Folk Custom Idioms

  4. 而这种民族文化心理,又势必会影响糕文化。

    And such national culture psychology , certainly will influence cake culture .

  5. 从民族文化心理透析日本的战争反省

    National Cultural Mentality Analysis for the War Self-reflection of Japan

  6. 民族文化心理的认知与超越

    Perceiving Cognitively and Going beyond the Cultural Psychology of Nations

  7. 婚俗是一种文化现象,它本身蕴涵了丰富的民族文化心理。

    Wedding custom is a cultural phenomenon , indicating rich ethnical cultural psychology .

  8. 论交际中的空间场与民族文化心理

    On Space Field and National Culture Psychology in Communication

  9. 试论汉民族文化心理对汉语的影响

    The Effect Han Nationality 's Cultural Psychology on Chinese

  10. 武术文化对民族文化心理的影响

    The influence of Wushu culture on nation culture psychology

  11. 汉语姓名与汉民族文化心理特征

    The Influence of Psychological and Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Nationality on Chinese Names

  12. 汉英夹杂与汉民族文化心理

    On interspersing Chinese with English and the Cultural Psychology of the Han Nation

  13. 3,运用文化学批评,①分析人物形象所包含的民族文化心理,②探寻作家创作中不同的文化投射,③揭示作品中的地域文化特征;

    Using culture criticism . a. Analyzing cultural psychological phenomena of the characters , b.

  14. 中国古代民族文化心理结构中的山水生命意识

    On the Consciousness of Life and Nature in the Psychological Structure of Ancient Chinese

  15. 汉英成语和中西民族文化心理

    Chinese Proverbs , English Idioms and the Cultural Psychology of Chinese and Western Nations

  16. 中法数字习语的民族文化心理对比与研究

    Study on National Cultural Psychology by Comparing and Analyzing Chinese and French Number Idioms

  17. 语言与民族文化心理探析

    Analysis of Language and National Cultural Mentality

  18. 《我的团长我的团》:对民族文化心理及审美情趣的反拨

    My Chief and My Regiment : Correcting Cultural Psychology and Aesthetic Taste of the Nation

  19. 英汉数字习语与英汉民族文化心理对比研究

    Contrastive study on English and Chinese numerical idioms and English and Chinese cultural psychological bases

  20. 日常英语中的英格兰民族文化心理

    Daily English and English National Culture

  21. 土地崇拜,是民族文化心理中最具活力的原型之一。

    Soil worship is one of the most vigorous prototypes in the psychology of the national culture .

  22. 对民族文化心理的认知就是要对文化差异认可和认同,并且从传统的文化中发现民族文化的进步和发展,实现跨文化的“超越”。

    Perceiving cognitively the cultural psychology of nations is to go beyond its discrepancy and approve its development .

  23. 汉民族文化心理丰富且复杂,对言语交际产生了很深的影响。

    Rich and complicated , the culture mentality of the Han nationality has deeply branded the verbal communication .

  24. 本文将从一些具有代表性的数字入手,探讨其在英语习语中所体现的西方文化内涵和民族文化心理。

    This essay discussed the cultural connotations and the ethnological cultural psychology reflected by some typical English numerical idioms .

  25. 中国古代山水艺术的出现、发展和繁荣,是民族文化心理结构中山水生命意识高度艺术化表现的结果。

    The emergence , development and prosperity of Chinese ancient landscape arts was the artistic representation of the consciousness .

  26. 称谓是一个民族文化心理和价值观念变化的自然反映。

    The appellation is the natural reflection of the cultural psychology of a nation and the changes of ideal values .

  27. 农耕民族文化心理的展现&先秦征战诗简论之二(中)

    MENTAL PHENOMENA OF NATIONAL CULTURE IN FARMING & on an expedition Poem before Qin dynasty part 2 ( middle )

  28. 在故事人物的身上,既有民族文化心理的投射,也有时代话语的体现。

    Figures in stories were not only the projection of cultural psychology of a nation but also embodiment of time words .

  29. 从一些有代表性的数字入手,探讨其在俄汉习语中所体现出的不同文化意蕴和民族文化心理及文化差异的根源。

    This article discusses the different cultural meanings , national psycho1og and the roots of different cultures from some typical figures .

  30. 揭明通过栀子的文化内涵可以从文化的角度认识民族文化心理。

    By revealing the cultural meaning of Gardenia Flower , we can realize the national cultural psychology from the viewpoint of culture .