
  1. 事实上,Zille女生称民联现已是南非种族最杂的党派,或许说得不错。

    Indeed , Ms Zille is probably right when she says that the DA is now the country 's most racially diverse party .

  2. 执政南非政府的“非洲国民大会(非国大)”常把民联批为意图把南非拉回种族隔离的白人至上组织。

    The DA is regularly decried by the ruling African National Congress ( ANC ) as a white supremacist organisation bent on bringing back apartheid .

  3. 如果回教党选择一意孤行的高调推行回教化,那只不过是该党的本身的决定,希望广大的马来西亚人民不要因此而怪罪于民联。

    PAS can choose to proceed with their agenda but hopefully the people can understand that this is strictly a PAS action and have nothing to do with PR.

  4. 所以,丁福南敢不敢拿出你的证据,证明民联政府已经批准了成功集团发展升旗山的计划?

    So Teng Hock Nan , do you have the guts to show your evidence to prove that the present PR state government has approved Berjaya 's plans to develop Penang Hill ?