
  1. 浅谈天水传统民居特点

    Discussion on features of traditional folk house in Tianshui

  2. 叙述了在进行桂阳县政府办公大楼设计时,从当地传统民居特点出发,借鉴地域文化,结合现代建筑的设计手法及当代先进的建筑工艺,创造具有新时代气息的本土建筑的过程。

    The paper describes the process of creating new-style native architecture in designing the government office building of Guiyang county , proceeding form the feature of local traditional residents , referencing local cultures and combining modern architectural design methods and contemporary advanced architectural technologies .

  3. 浅谈湘西土家族民居聚落特点及保护现状

    On settlement features and present protection states of dwelling house of Tujia minority in western Hu'nan

  4. 中国民居的特点及发展

    Character and Development of Chinese Residents

  5. 因而本文尝试从移民的精神与技术的传承视角来探寻赣鄂两地民居的特点。

    Thus , this paper explores the differences in folk dwelling of Jiangxi and Hubei province on the perspective of the culture and technology transfer of immigrants .

  6. 本文针对我国广大农村民居的特点,分别介绍了针对既有建筑与新建建筑的抗震实用新技术。

    In view of the characteristics of the rural residential areas a new type of seismic resistance practical technology were introduced for both existing buildings and new construction buildings .

  7. 第三章研究和分析夏热冬冷地区(湖南)的自然条件以及湖南的传统民居建筑特点,并总结传统建筑中蕴涵的生态观念和技术;

    In chapter three , the natural condition in the regions with warm summer and cold winter ( Hunan Province ) and the character of traditional houses in Hunan Province are analyzed and studied , and the ecological strategies and energy-efficient technology in traditional houses are summarized .

  8. 对云南建水合院民居的建造特点进行总结研究,并归纳出建水传统合院民居的三大特点:1.以院落组织空间的建造方式。

    Summary of research on the Yunnan Construction hydrated hospital residential construction features and summarized built the water traditional courtyard houses three characteristics : 1 . Courtyard organizational space constructed in such a manner .

  9. 同时,通过蔡宅的建筑形式与特点来说明连江县清末民初时期民居的建筑特点。

    Moreover , through analyzing construction form and characteristics of Cai residence , this article explained the building characteristics of local dwellings in the period between the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China .

  10. 在此基础上,分析传统民居的生态特点,挖掘传统民居中普遍而朴素的生态价值、历史意义及现实意义,并为具有生态价值的新民居设计提供理论依据及实践方法。

    On the basis of that , it analyzes the ecological features of the dwelling houses , and delves on the popular and simple ecological values , and their historical and present significance . It provides theories and methods for architecture design of new dwelling houses .

  11. 浅谈徽州民居的成因及特点

    Primary Research on the Cause of Formation and Feature of Residential Buildings in Huizhou

  12. 明清民居的门面装饰特点

    The Decorative Characteristics of the Folk House Doorways in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  13. 那明天,我们还是在这里去看看维族民居还有什么有特点的地方。

    Tomorrow , we 'll still be here to find out if there are any other features of Uygur houses .

  14. 最后,通过这些民居的的艺术特点来发掘其自身在审美、借鉴和学术方面的价值。

    Finally , through the artistic characteristics of these residential areas to discover their own value in the aesthetics , learning and academic .

  15. 第三章简要的介绍了鄂东南民居的类型和特点,总结了鄂东南地区各种材料墙体的营造方式。

    Chapter III briefly describes the types and characteristics of residential southeastern Hubei , southeastern Hubei Province summarized a variety of materials , wall building methods .

  16. 提出一些自己的看法,可以借鉴现如今比较流行的生态建筑理念,以环保节能赋予满居时代的生命。而满足民居在就地取材等特点也和生态建筑的理念不谋而合。

    Put forward some opinions of his own , can use nowadays more popular ecological architecture philosophy , environmental protection and energy saving gave " full house " era of life .

  17. 其次,对当地传统民居的形成和特点进行深入的分析,并考虑现阶段近郊农村生活模式转变对住宅建筑的新要求,寻找当前近郊农村住宅建筑设计的方向。

    Secondly , the formation of local traditional houses and features are in-depth analysis , and consider at this stage on the outskirts of the rural life style changes the new requirements for residential buildings , residential buildings in the rural outskirts of finding the current design direction .

  18. 本文介绍了IMS体系首次用于西双版纳州傣族新民居建设的具体情况,以及结合当地技术条件和傣族民居建筑特点对原结构体系所做的一些改进。

    The paper introduces the process of how the first New Dai Dwelling House with IMS system was built , and why some improvements had to be made to the IMS system on the consideration of the local construction technology and the characteristic of the Dai Dwelling House .

  19. 在考证性研究的基础上,本次研究从民居环境、意境审美和设计理念三个方面对江南传统民居意境审美的特点进行分析。

    Research study on the basis of this study from the residential environment , the three aspects of the conception of the aesthetic and design philosophy Jiangnan traditional houses mood aesthetic characteristics were analyzed .