
  1. 21世纪高校民俗学专业建设与公众教育的关系

    The Relationship of the High School Folklore Professional Establishment and Public Education in the 21st Century

  2. 在民俗学专业的研究生教育中,获取田野资料和撰写田野报告,是一种理论兼技术上的正规训练。

    It is good training for the students to get fieldwork materials and write the reports in graduate education in folklore .

  3. 文章指出从文艺民俗学的专业角度来说,研究民俗和文艺的相互影响,探索民俗学关照之下的文艺发展之路,是一个必要的命题。

    It points out that , from the professional perspective of literary folklore , the study of the interaction between folklore and culture , and the exploration of literature development under the influence of folklore is a necessity .