
  1. 民间刺绣作为传统文化现象,有着丰富的民俗功能。

    As a traditional cultural phenomenon , folk embroidery has rich folk functions .

  2. 论民族聚落的形成及其民俗功能&以丝绸之路沿线民族情况为依据

    On the Formation of Ethnic Dwelling Places and the Functions of Their Customs

  3. 第二章:花鼓灯艺术与戏曲艺术有着相似的生存环境,在娱乐功能外都附加了多重社会民俗功能。

    Second chapter : Hua gu deng art and drama art have the similar survival environment , all attached to the multiple social folk custom function and the entertainment function .

  4. 由于一定程度的社会不稳定也具有某些正功能,因而不能把追求稳定当作反对改革的借口;民族聚落在其形成后,发挥着稳定社会生活模式的民俗功能。

    Obviously pursue of stability should not be used as an excuse against reform , for a certain degree of instability might bring about positive effect . After its coming-into-being , ethnic dwelling places function well in stabilizing the patterns of social life .

  5. 论民俗规范功能的历史与现实

    On the History and Reality of Folk Custom Specification Functions

  6. 其中,关于五色服饰的描写隐含着民俗修辞功能、政治修辞功能以及审美修辞功能。

    Among them , the description about five colors dress is implying rhetoric function of the folk custom , the function of the political rhetoric and aesthetic rhetoric function .

  7. 这也体现出文学作品可以展现民俗的社会功能。

    This also led to the works displayed folk social functions .

  8. 新闻报道中的民俗传播及其功能

    Folk - custom Prevalence and Its Function in Reportage

  9. 浅论中国民俗家具的功能

    Study on Functions of Chinese Folk Furniture

  10. 本文论述民俗的教化功能,民俗教育在人类社会发展进程中的教育作用。

    This article talks about the cultivational and educational role of the folklore in the process of social development .

  11. 神秘英国资源日益突出的鬼,传说,民俗和特异功能的奥秘,在英伦三岛。

    Mysterious Britain - Growing resource highlighting the ghosts , legends , folklore , and paranormal mysteries within the British Isles .

  12. 民俗的这些功能无疑影响着作家和他笔下的作品,而作品通过表现这些民俗影响着它的读者,引导着读者进行理性的判断和分析。

    These functions will undoubtedly affect folk writer and his pen works , and works through affecting its performance of these folk readers , a guide for readers rational judgement and analysis .

  13. 本文以土族仪式歌为研究对象,通过对其所表现的民俗内涵及功能的分析,进一步对土族仪式歌所蕴涵的丰富的文化特征进行了解析。

    In this article , the author regards the ritual songs of Tu ethnic group in Qinghai province as her object of study , and expounds their abundant cultural characteristics through analyzing the folklore connotation and function of these songs .

  14. 民俗旅游的文化功能分析

    Analysis on the function of folk custom tourism

  15. 尤其是人生民俗和信仰民俗的超越性功能,更为审美活动提供了同构超越的心理基础。

    The transcendence of living in and believing in folk customs , in particular , offers a psychological basis of uniform transcendence for aesthetic activity .

  16. 由于传媒的普及,以及受时尚文化、消费文化的影响,民间剪纸主要依附的民俗活动逐渐减少,民间剪纸原初的民俗文化功能也几近消亡。

    With popularization of public media and the influence from vogue culture and consumption culture , the folk custom activities are being reduced . The primary folk culture function of papercutting has almost died out .

  17. 从研究民俗家具的意义出发,介绍了民俗家具的概念,并按两种方法将民俗家具的功能分为实用功能与审美功能、多功能与单一功能。

    To clarify the meaning of research on folk furniture , this paper introduces the concept of folk furniture . The author classifies the function of folk furniture into two categories by two methods . One is aesthetic and practical function .

  18. 依据民俗旅游区开发的ABP模式,通过对忻城中华土司民俗旅游区的区位及市场条件分析,提出了民俗旅游区的功能区划理念,并对忻城土司文化进行了具体的旅游产品开发设计。

    Based on A - B - P exploitation pattern of folk custom zones and the analysis of location and market , the thesis advents a conduct devise about tourism products .