
  • 网络ratio of living tree
  1. 杨梅种植成活率低的原因与对策

    Reason and Countermeasure of the Low Survival Ratio of Planting Myrica rubra

  2. 研究表明:1.金萱品种种植成活率高,达93.4%~98.3%,超过对照种黄棪。

    The results showed that : 1 . The survival rate of Jinxuan variety ( 93.4 % - 98.3 % ) is higher than the control ( Huangdan variety ); 2 .

  3. 结果:1.本试验大鼠均成活,腹壁异位内膜种植成活率100%,异位内膜在腹壁内生长,呈隆起囊状小包块,具有正常子宫内膜基本组织结构。

    Survival percentage of ectopic endometrium planted in abdominal wall was100 % , which was the raised small cystic mass in the abdominal wall and with the basic organizational structure of the normal endometrium . 2 .

  4. 造林整地、种植深度对苗木生长量的影响较大,造林方法、造林坡向、种植深度对造林成活率和保存率的影响相对显著。

    Cm on overcast slope ; ( 4 ) soil preparation , planting depth have much effects on growth , and afforestation method , slope aspect , and the planting depth effects survival rates and growth significantly .