
  • 网络Species identification
  1. DNA分析与种属鉴定

    DNA-based technique and species identification

  2. 扩增Amelogenin基因用于生物检材种属鉴定

    Species identification of biological samples by Amplifying the amelogenin gene

  3. 本文就种属鉴定的技术发展以及各种技术的优缺点做一比较,重点讨论了DNA分析技术在种属鉴定中的应用价值。

    This review mainly discussed the DNA-based technique and evaluate it 's value in species identification of forensic science .

  4. PCR-RFLP分析线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因用于法医学种属鉴定

    Multiplex Amplification of Mitochondrial DNA for Species Identification in Forensic Science coli lac Z gene . Species identification by PCR-RFLP analysis of the cytochrome b gene

  5. 工业生产β-胡萝卜素杜氏藻的分离及种属鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Dunaliella Producing β - carotene in Industry

  6. 种属鉴定在法医学实践中占有重要地位。

    The species identification plays a key role in forensic analysis .

  7. 法医昆虫种属鉴定的分子生物学方法研究

    A Study of Species Identification Based on Molecular Biology in Forensic Entomology

  8. 用荧光抗体法作血痕的种属鉴定

    TROPHOCYTE IDENTIFIED BY FLUORESCEIN ANTIBODY The Species Identification of Bloodstain by the Immunofluorescence Test

  9. 并对分离到的捕食线虫性真菌做了详细的形态学观察,进行种属鉴定。

    Also , the isolated nematode trapping fungi were observed in morphology and differentiated .

  10. 骨骼种属鉴定的组织学研究

    Histological study of species identification using bones

  11. 烧骨残片种属鉴定的研究

    The species identification of burned bone

  12. 利用图像分析进行种属鉴定,中央管面积百分比是区别人骨与动物骨的重要参考指标。

    The percentage of central canals total area was valuable in species identification through imaging analysis .

  13. 结论(1)丛状骨、骨单位带在种属鉴定中可作为人骨的排除指标;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) Plexiform bone and osteon band could be the exclusive index in human bone ;

  14. 目的本课题旨在探索新的法医昆虫学种属鉴定方法。

    Objective . The purposes of our work are to establish new methods of species identification in forensic entomology .

  15. 最后对两株菌株进行菌落形态观察和生理生化种属鉴定,确定分别为卡斯特酒香酵母和植物乳杆菌。

    Both strains were identified as Brettanomyces custersii and Lactobacillus plantarum based on their colonial morphology and physiological and biochemical experiments .

  16. 把中药半夏生物技术、种属鉴定及分类,化学成分的研究进展作以概括,为半夏的进一步深入研究提供信息和借鉴。

    The paper reviewed the advances in research of traditional Chinese medicine Pinellia ternata ( Thunb . ) Berit to offer communication and reference in further study .

  17. 海洋浮游藻类的化学分类法方法:分析细菌的形态学和生理生化特征。采用数值分类法(API20A)和化学分类法(气相色谱分析)进行种属鉴定。

    Methods : To classify the two strains , we used the method of digital classification ( API 20 A ) and biochemical classification ( gas chromatography ) in terms of their several distinctive features of the biology .

  18. 目前从菊花近缘种属植物中鉴定抗蚜虫性资源的研究尚未见报道。

    However , there were no reports on aphid resistance identification and related mechanisms in related species of Chrysanthemum yet .

  19. 这是将已有理论应用到具体实际问题中的一种尝试,有助于外来入侵物种种属的鉴定,对于物种进化和分类也有所帮助。

    It is an attempt for applying theory to practice . It will be helpful to alien invasive plants ' species identification , species evolution and classification .

  20. 一种制备酶标记抗体的新技术及在血痕种属鉴定的应用

    A New Method for Preparation of Enzyme-Antibody Conjugate and Its Application in Serology