
  • 网络seed fund;seed funding;Seed Money
  1. 阐述全球环境基金(GEF)种子基金项目在广西木论国家级自然保护区的实施现状。

    The paper elaborates the implementation of seed fund project of Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ) in Guangxi Mulun National Nature Reserve .

  2. 波特兰种子基金将Dube女士的创意列入126个创新项目之列,可以得到资金和专家指点。

    The Portland Seed Fund chose her idea as one of one hundred twenty-six startups to receive money and support from experts .

  3. 该方案提供种子基金融资,其贷款只收取4%的利息。

    The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4 % interest .

  4. 基于OpenGL的虚拟视景仿真平台的研究、开发及应用是学校研究生院的一项创新种子基金。

    The research of the virtual scene simulation platform based on OpenGL is an innovation project in graduate school .

  5. 但最大的赢家的是原始出资方fbFund,即由AccelPartners和FoundersFund各出资一半设立的总规模为1000万美元的种子基金。

    But the biggest return goes to seed backer fbfund , a $ 10 million vehicle backed in equal parts by accel partners and founders fund .

  6. 使锻炼的人都能有接触教练的机会这一想法使Eldeeb和Tempo的团队将最初180万美元的种子基金延长4年。

    The idea of democratizing access to trainers is what convinced Eldeeb and the Tempo team to stretch its initial $ 1.8 million in seed funding for four years .

  7. 去年,WeFarm借助科技公司谷歌(Google)(通过谷歌ImpactChallenge)和西班牙电信(Telefónica)的创新孵化中心Wayra的50万英镑种子基金成立。

    It was launched last year with £ 500000 seed funding from tech company Google through the Google Impact Challenge , and Wayra , the incubation hub of Telef ó nica , a telecommunications company .

  8. 高新技术发展的政府种子基金构架&重庆高新技术产业发展的理论研究

    Framework for the Government Seed-fund of Hi-tech Development in Chongqing

  9. 他们还计划于6月1号开始接受种子基金的资助。

    They 're also planning to start accepting seed funds on June 1 .

  10. 孵化器是为创业企业提供有形或无形的孵化服务和种子基金的公司。

    Companies that offer physical or virtual incubation services and some seed financing to start-up companies .

  11. 那么如果我们有了这些想法,加上一点点种子基金,

    So if we can take these ideas and add a little bit of seed money ,

  12. 种子基金来自家人和朋友,但下一步的筹款就很艰难了。

    The seed money came from family and friends , but the next level was more difficult .

  13. 本周二,这家八个月前成立的新公司宣布获得50万美元的种子基金。

    On Tuesday , the eight-month-old start up announced that it had successfully secured $ 500,000 in seed funding .

  14. 该基金旨在将初创期孵化与种子基金结合起来,中国目前尚不存在这种商业模式。

    The fund intends to combine early-stage incubation and seed money a business model that does not yet exist in China .

  15. 大部分对竞赛做出回应的小组都没有足够的技能和种子基金来完成这项工作。

    The vast majority of the teams responding to the contest do not have the skill or seed money to compete seriously .

  16. 剑桥企业通过三大重叠业务部门交付任务:技术转移服务、咨询服务以及种子基金服务。

    Cambridge Enterprise delivers its mandate through three overlapping business units : technology transfer services , consultancy services and seed fund services .

  17. 波特兰种子基金选择了一百二十六个创业者收受钱财,并从专家的指导支持她的想法。

    The Portland Seed Fund chose her idea as one of one hundred twenty-six startups to receive money and mentoring support from experts .

  18. 一方面,种子基金如雨后春笋般崛起,占新建基金总数的67%,另一方面,大型基金则变得日益庞大。

    Seed funds are springing up everywhere , representing 67 % of all new funds created , and large funds have gotten even larger .

  19. 今年3月,公司得到了200万美元的种子基金,9月又宣布获得了另外1200万美元的注资。

    In September , they announced $ 12 million in new funding , in addition to the $ 2 million in seed funding they raised in March .

  20. “百年星舰”计划是用美军的种子基金创立的,将建造大型“星际飞船”,把人类送往太空。

    The 100-year Starship project , which was set up with US military seed funding , plans to develop huge ' starships ' to send humans far into space .

  21. 本次大赛旨在筹措大额资金和种子基金。无论其是否在比赛中胜出,参赛团队成员都应对所提计划书投入必要的精力,并且关注商业计划的执行。

    Teams should represent individuals who are committed to the venture and who are focused on executing the business plan regardless of whether they are victorious in the competition .

  22. 政府已拨款5000万元作为种子基金,资助非政府机构开设小型企业,为残疾人士提供就业机会。

    A $ 50 million grant was set up as seed money to support the creation of small enterprises by NGOs to offer employment opportunities to people with disabilities .

  23. 他们希望让全世界的人想出有意思的点子,看看能否通过种子基金资助这些办法以减少校园暴力。

    They try to let people in the world come up with interesting ideas and see if they can seed fund those ideas to find interesting potential ways to reduce school violence .

  24. 尽管这些都是不错的办法,但真正奏效的却屈指可数。因为给予初创企业种子基金的投资者当中,大部分只有在回收投资后方能提供更多的种子资金。

    While not a bad idea , this is rarely successful because many seed-funded startups have way too many investors who are more apt to write off the investment then to bridge more seed money .

  25. 今天节目组采访了杰奎琳•诺沃格拉茨,她的风险慈善公司向小型企业出借种子基金,这些企业以较低的成本给穷人提供干净的水,卫生保健和能源。

    EarthSky spoke to Jacqueline Novogratz , whose organization , Acumen Fund , lends seed money to small businesses that provide clean water , health care , and energy at a low cost to the poor .

  26. 为把重庆建设成为长江上游最大的高新技术产业基地,抢占高新技术产业发展制高点,构架发展重庆高新技术产业的政府种子基金,显得尤为重要。

    In order to make Chongqing the largest base of Hi tech industry on the upside of the Changjiang River , it is important to initiate and develop the government seed fund and win the development priority of Hi tech industry .

  27. 可如今,大型风投公司基本上都有自己的种子基金、早期基金、成长基金、中国基金、印度基金和专门基金(如移动、数据)等等。

    Now it is not uncommon for the largest firms to have their seed fund , their early stage fund , their growth fund , their China fund , their India Fund , their specialty Fund [ mobile , data , etc. ] and on and on .

  28. 有这么多投资者:天使投资者、孵化器公司、早期基金、拥有种子附属基金的晚期基金。

    Angel investors , incubators , early stage funds , later stage funds with seed side funds .

  29. 掌管种子投资基金500Startups北京业务的马睿表示,一大困难在于,中国人在婚姻问题上的取向仍然传统,并且看重家庭背景和经济条件。

    One difficulty is that marriage preferences in China remain traditional and focused on family background or economic status , said Rui Ma , who runs the seed investor 500 Startups in Beijing .

  30. 获得种子投资的对冲基金有点像契约奴工。

    The seeded enter into a relationship that operates like indentured servitude Lite .