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  1. 当这些例外事件成为新闻头条时,通常是因为有人出于种种原因想让它们成为头条,而这些原因与工作没有半点关系。

    When these exceptional incidents hit the headlines , it is usually because someone wants them to for reasons that have nothing to do with work .

  2. 因此他一直在窗前的座位上读书写字,而且用种种他想得出的自然而愉快的方式表示这屋子并不是牢房。

    He remained , therefore , in his seat near the window , reading and writing , and expressing in as many pleasant and natural ways as he could think of that it was a free place .

  3. 他们看见她说起话来那么窘,再把眼前的事实和昨天种种情景前前后后想一想,便对这件事有了一种新的看法。

    and the embarrassment of her manner as she spoke , joined to the circumstance itself , and many of the circumstances of the preceding day , opened to them a new idea on the business .

  4. 效率,效益还有其他种种头脑里想出来的花样。你可以从这看得出她脑子里虽然有些轻浮和虚荣的思想,究竟还是聪明和肯用心的。

    Efficiency and effectiveness and all those other pieces of intellectual artifice . One may see by this that she had a wise and thoughtful head , for all there was so much lightness and vanity in it .

  5. 由于这种我们无法预知的情况出现,给您造成种种不便,我们想您道歉。

    We regret this unfortunate situation over which we had no control and apologize for the inconvenience .

  6. 读完本书中的种种问题,我想,我给人的印象可能过于冷静、理智,几乎已构成一种缺点。

    Reading through the problems in this book , I think I come over as unsentimental to a fault .