
  • 网络seed file;torrent
  1. 众所周知,海盗湾网站的主页是没有包含任何BT种子文件信息的,因此谷歌屏蔽海盗湾网站主页的行为显然是错误之举。

    The Pirate Bay homepage does not list any torrent files as most people know , so there was little doubt that the filter was applied in error .

  2. 其中种子文件污染比较简单,本文不做研究。

    Torrent pollution is simple , and we do not work on it .

  3. 针对这些问题,本文设计了BT种子文件的质量评估和检索系统。

    Quality assessment and retrieval system of BT seed files is designed to these problems .

  4. 可以将dbunit任务的INSERT和DELETE操作类型和一个种子文件起使用,该文件包含表示数据库表和相关行的XML元素。

    You can use the INSERT and DELETE operation types for the dbunit task in conjunction with a seed file that contains XML elements representing database tables and associated rows .

  5. 介绍了在UG设计平台下通过建立种子文件或配置UG的两个重要环境文件的方法,以实现用户化环境的配置,并对这两种方法作了比较和分析;

    In order to realize the configuring of customizing environment in UG worktable , it introduces the approach to create the source data file or configure the two environment files . These files are compared and analyzed .

  6. 紧接着,基于这些历史纪录提出了BT种子文件质量的时间序列预测评估方法,并以此方法对种子文件进行排序,给予用户较好的查询结果。

    Then , a time series forecasting method can assess the quality of the seed files based on those historical records . Through this method the system can sort the seed files and give users better query results .

  7. 此外,我希望fixture能够依赖参数化数据,这使我在运行某个测试之前,能够灵活地切换种子文件,甚至是特定数据库的位置。

    What 's more , I want my fixture to rely on parametric data , which will give me the flexibility to switch seed files , and even the location of a particular database , before a specific test run .

  8. 该系统包含针对BT种子文件的网络爬虫和种子文件解析器,它能自动采集网络中的BT种子文件;再从中分离出共享文件的描述信息,建立索引和描述信息的历史纪录。

    This system includes a web crawler and a file parser against the seed files . Therefore , it can automatically collect BT seed files in the network and separate the description information from sharing files , and record the historical index and description .

  9. 本文设计了系统通信协议,详细介绍了身份认证、源端上传文件、种子文件分发和文件分发的工作流程。

    We also introduce the workflow of authenticate , file upload , torrent file distribute and file distribute .

  10. 为什么暴雪不能够提供种子文件来让人们使用其它的客户端下载呢?

    Why doesn 't Blizzard supply the torrent file so that people can use other clients to download ?

  11. 在下载方面,对于普通有效的种子文件,其节目可以准确的完成下载。

    On the downloading area , the programs can quickly be downloaded , especially for the hot seeds .

  12. 不能到拉斯维加斯来参加新人婚礼的亲友们将可以下载网络种子文件来观看。

    Family and friends unable to get to Vegas for any couple 's ceremony will be able to watch it via an Internet feed .

  13. 目葱翠的景色,这些都使我们教堂成为举行难忘婚礼的浪漫绝佳地。不能到拉斯维加斯来参加新人婚礼的亲友们将可以下载网络种子文件来观看。”

    scaping make it the perfect romantic spot for a memorable marriage . Family and friends unable to get to Vegas for any couple 's ceremony will be able to watch it via an Internet feed . "

  14. 为了使用DbUnit,需要向它提供一个数据库连接和一个包含作为数据库种子的文件。

    To use DbUnit , I need to provide it with a database connection and a file containing the data I 'd like the database seeded with .

  15. 中国和日本在早期消减了与蜡防虫种子、包裹文件。

    In early China and Japan tapers were made with wax from insects and seeds , wrapped in paper .

  16. 实验证明,该系统能够向用户提供优质的种子。除此之外,基于该检索系统,本文还提出了一种BT客户端的改进策略。可以将相似种子文件进行合并,来提高下载的效率。

    Experiment shows the system works well to find seeds with good quality . Besides , based on the retrieval system , a BT client improvement strategy is presented to merge similar seed files to enhance the efficiency of downloading .