
  • 网络The Surrogate Womb
  1. 你在找哪一种女朋友?

    A : What kind of girlfriend are you looking for ?

  2. 格雷斯?比斯旺格是这样一种女主人,她邀请的客人包括配镜师、兽医、房产商和牙医师。

    Grace Biswanger was the kind of hostess who asked the optometrist , the veterinarian , the real-estate dealer , and the dentist .

  3. 青年男子跳芭蕾被认为是一种太女人气的职业。

    Ballet used to be considered an effete career for a young man .

  4. Ⅳ级很重工种仅女甘蔗工。

    Grade ⅳ is the most heavy work , main-ly for women sugarcane workers .

  5. 有阔张口状花冠的一种泉女兰属植物,花独生、芳香、呈品红色;产自加拿大。

    A bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide-gaping corolla ; Canada .

  6. 整个弯弯曲曲的腰带与腰部相连,正是这样产生了一种被女朋友拥抱的感觉。

    In the waist , the system of the winding belt is attached . This makes the feeling that is like girlfriend hugs .

  7. 5月8日,《傲骨贤妻》完结,这部剧最大和最深远的影响或许就在于创造了一种新式女主人公,她不再被感情简单的和一眼就能“招人喜欢”的传统期望拖累。

    It came to an end on May 8 , and it may be the show with the largest and most lasting influence , having produced a new kind of heroine , one no longer hamstrung by the traditional expectations of easy emotion or instant " likability . "

  8. 她的声音低而柔软,是一种柔和的女低音。

    Her voice was low and velvety , a soft contralto .

  9. 三种口服避孕药对女运动员部分甲状腺轴激素的影响

    Effects of Three Kinds of Oral Contraceptives on Thyroid Axis Hormone of Female Athletes

  10. 还有一种可能性是,女预言家正在解决一个所谓的持久垄断的问题。

    Another possibility is that the sibyl was dealing with the so-called durable monopoly problem .

  11. 在中国,《来自星星的你》引发了炸鸡和啤酒热潮,这两种食品是剧中女主角的最爱。

    In China , the drama triggered a craze for chicken-and-beer , the favorite food combination of the main female character .

  12. 还有一个病人,有另外一种幻觉,这位女病人视力并无问题。

    Another patient of mine had a different sort of hallucination . This was a woman who didn 't have trouble with her eyes ,

  13. 当只会一种语言的立陶宛女招待端着酒类饮料围着桌子转来转去,而你的客人口干舌燥,争相去取桌上鲜花摆设里的水时,你会有一种无力的羞耻感。

    You will feel impotent shame as monoglot Lithuanian waitresses ply surrounding tables with booze , while your parched guests debate sharing the water from the floral centrepiece .

  14. 相比之下,长发和波浪卷则给人一种刚毕业的女大学生的印象,缺乏威慑力和掌控力。

    Longer , flouncy locks , by contrast , give the impression that women are perhaps fresh out of school , less intimidating and , in turn , less in control .

  15. 后者体现的是一种信仰之爱,一种女主人公对诗意的迷狂。

    The latter embodies the love for faith , of which the strange woman was enchanted in esthetic fanaticism .