
liǎn miàn
  • face;self-respect;sb.'s feelings
脸面 [liǎn miàn]
  • 见面子

脸面[liǎn miàn]
  1. 本文还对脸面分类算法进行了讨论,深入研究了最近特征线(NFL)分类法,从理论和实验分析了NFL在人脸识别应用的有效性。

    Secondly the classification methods for face recognition are discussed , a new classification method-the nearest feature line ( NFL ) method is deeply studied . After analyzing the validity of NFL for face recognition in theory and experiments , the K-NFL method is introduced in face recognition .

  2. 对中国人脸面观念的新解读

    A New Interpretation of the Chinese Concept of " Face "

  3. 看我的脸面,不要生他的气了。

    For my sake , don 't get angry with him .

  4. 他们会说她,骂她,解雇她,让她丢尽脸面的

    She would be scolded , abused , ignominiously discharged .

  5. 脸面(FB)首次公开募股上的问题一直萦绕在我的心中,你能够理解为什么尽管有那么多的谣言,Twitter可能依旧会犹豫去上市。

    With the problems of the Facebook ( FB ) IPO fresh in our mind , you can understand why despite rumors , Twitter may be hesitant to go public .

  6. 我不会讲令官员脸面无光的话。

    I 'll ignore the stories which bring officials only disrepute .

  7. 李阳老师,您代表了中国的脸面!

    Teacher Li Yang , you are the face of China !

  8. 猛地朝汤姆脸面伸过去,差点碰到他的脸。

    And suddenly thrust it almost into the boy 's face .

  9. 破产不但让人脸面丢尽而且永远蒙受羞辱。

    Bankruptcy involves serious loss of face and lasting shame .

  10. 热爱丢脸!忘记脸面吧。

    Enjoy losing face ! Just forget about your face .

  11. 他的辞职真的不外乎是对开除而言是一种顾全脸面的替代方式。

    His resignation was no more than a face-saving alternative to dismissal .

  12. 暖烘烘的空气飘拂在脸面。

    The air was warm and swooning about my face .

  13. 论脸面心理与社会主义荣辱观的树立

    On Face-saving Psychology and Establishment of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

  14. 部长应隐瞒丑闻而脸面丢失。

    The minister was disgraced by the hint of scandal .

  15. 她没有脸面,也不能与人们交谈

    She would have no face , nor could she talk to the people

  16. 脸面马上就要破相了!

    A face that 's about to be broken !

  17. 后来行动失败,丢尽了当时新任总统约翰·肯尼迪的脸面。

    It was a humiliation for the then-new president , John F. Kennedy .

  18. 你真给你的国家&美国丢尽了脸面。

    You are a disgrace to your country-the USA.

  19. 和美国人相比,中国人非常重视他们的脸面。

    In comparison with the Americans , Chinese are more sensitive about their face .

  20. 色彩与脸面&两个或一个诱人的话题

    Color and Face & An Attractive Topic

  21. 同种异体全脸面移植供体切取和供体选择的策略研究

    Strategy study of harvesting total facial flap and donor choice for allograft transplantation in cadaver

  22. 他穿著蒙头斗篷,所以很难看清他的脸面。

    It was hard to see his face because of the cowl he was wearing .

  23. 基于贝叶斯优化算法的脸面特征向量子集选择

    Eigenvector Subset Selection Using Bayesian Optimization Algorithm

  24. 可是责任,脸面,在这时候似乎比命还重要。

    Yet his duty and self-respect meant more to him at this point than life itself .

  25. 版面是报纸的脸面,给人以第一的印象。

    Layout is the face of the newspaper , which impresses people at their first insights .

  26. 寒风摸索你的脸面

    A wintry breeze fumbles your face

  27. 脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光。

    His face shone like the sun , and his clothes became as white as the light .

  28. 正确重合人头的头颅和脸面的图像是法庭技术中的一项重要课题。

    The correct superposition of human skull and face portrait is a delicate subject of forensic technology .

  29. 人们怕的是丢脸的风险,就好像摔个嘴啃泥那样脸面尽失。

    What is terrifying is the risk of humiliation , of metaphorically falling flat on one 's face .

  30. 但你得帮我编造个故事,好给我留点脸面!

    But I 'm going to need your help to concoct a story that will help me save face !