
zhǒnɡ zi péi yǎnɡ
  • seed culture
  1. 采用活化的保加利亚乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、嗜酸乳杆菌按接种量3%接种于不同的种子培养液中,通过测定并分析pH值的变化,筛选合适的培养液。

    Seed culture solution was inoculated with lactobacillus bulgaricus , lactobacillus acidophilus , lactobacillus thermophilus in quantity of 3 % , and pH value of solution and the suitable solution for bolting culture were determined .

  2. 在klebsiellapneumoniae发酵甘油生产1,3-丙二醇的种子培养及发酵实验中,考察了葡萄糖作辅助碳源对菌体生长及1,3-丙二醇生成的影响。

    The effect of glucose as cosubstrate for the seed culture and fermentation of 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae with glycerol as substrate was investigated .

  3. 接种3%、种龄为12h的种子培养液;

    Seed volume is 3 % . Seed age is seed culture fluid of twelve hours .

  4. 研究了所获菌株S3的摇瓶发酵条件,应用正交设计试验法优化种子培养基和培养条件。

    The fermentation condition of strain S3 in shaking flask was studied . The seed medium and the culture conditions were optimized by orthogonal design experiments .

  5. 然后又对种子培养条件(包括种子培养基组成、种子培养基初始pH、装瓶量和种龄)进行了优化,得到了适合工业化生产的种子培养基和培养条件。

    Then , a seed medium and cultivation conditions suitable for industrial production were obtained after the optimization of components of seed medium and seed cultivation conditions ( including the pH , the filling volum of seed medium , seed cultivation time ) .

  6. 采用60Co正交设计的方法,选择最优种子培养基配方和发酵培养基配方,在此基础上进行UV、60Co等诱变,得突变株,其发酵水平较原始菌株提高了150%。

    The mutative strain , after excerpted the optima formula of medium for seeds and fermentation with the method of orthogonal design , were mutagenesised by UV , 60 Co and so on .

  7. 以甜菜糖厂废蜜酒精废液为原料,采用热带假丝酵母(landidatropicalis)种内融合株Ct-3为菌株,经过种子培养、发酵、分离浓缩、干燥粉碎工艺过程制取出单细胞蛋白质。

    : The intraspecific fusant Ct - 3 coming from candida tropicalis has been adopted to produce single cell protein with the waste liquid from beet molasses alcohol fermentation . The process of production are composed of culturing seed and fermenting , separating and concentrating , drying and smashing .

  8. 菌种经诱变选育后使富马酸的转化率平均提高10%,种子培养时间由3d缩短为1d。

    The average conversion rate of fumaric acid converted by mutated aspergillus wentii was increased by 10 % compared with that converted by the original strain , and the time for culture of strain was shortened from 3 days to 1 day .

  9. 采用同步辐射软X射线Nk对米根霉AS3.3461菌株进行辐射诱变,研究其对米根霉致死、菌落形态、种子培养以及发酵培养等特性方面的影响。

    Mutagenic effects , such as mortality , colony morphology , culture characteristic of Rhizopus oryzae irradiated by synchrotron soft X-ray , were studied preliminarily . The results show that the mutagenic effects of synchronous radiation soft-X ray on Rhizopus oryzae AS 3.3461 strain were obvious .

  10. 结果表明:最佳种子培养时间为15h;最佳接种量为15%;

    The results showed that the optimal seed inoculation time , optimal inoculation amount and optimal temperature was 15 h , 15 % and 42 ℃, respectively .

  11. 最适种子培养基为可溶性淀粉1%,牛肉浸膏+大豆蛋白胨3.0%和NaCl0.5%,培养24h后,B12菌量可以达到34.1×10~9CFU/ml。

    The starch , beef and soybean peptone and NaCl in the optimum seed culture medium is 1 % , 3.0 % and 0.5 % , and the microbe number of B12 could reach 34.1 × 10 ~ 9CFU / ml after 24 hours ' fermentation .

  12. 对高产蛋白酶菌株UF366米曲霉的种子培养基、制曲培养基以及发酵条件进行研究。

    The composition of both starter medium and koji making medium as well as fermentation conditions of Aspergillus oryzae UF366 for producing proteinase were studied .

  13. 较适合的种子培养基为牛肉膏大豆蛋白胨培养基;

    The suitable seed culture medium was beef extract soya peptone medium ;

  14. 成功地筛选出理想液体培养基1号、生产种子培养基2号;

    The ideal liquid medium 1 # and cultivate medium 2 # were screened successfully .

  15. 激素对短光低温不育水稻种子培养的影响

    Effect of hormone on seed culture in Short Photoperiod Low Temperature Induced Male Sterile Rice

  16. 应用单因素和正交设计试验法,确定了种子培养基的最佳组成和最佳培养条件。

    The seed medium composition and culture conditions were optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment .

  17. 应用正交设计试验法优化种子培养基,并研究了种子培养条件;

    The seed medium was optimized by orthogonal design experiment and the seed culture conditions were also studied .

  18. 蝴蝶兰的种子培养

    Seed culture of Phalaenopsis

  19. 玉米种子培养皿法发芽试验误差分析

    The Error Analysis In The Germination Test of Corn Seeds Which Is Done By The Method of Culture Dish

  20. 结果表明,在种子培养期,以葡萄糖和甘油为混合碳源可缩短种子培养周期;

    The results showed that the mixed substrate of glycerol and glucose for the seed culture could shorten the seed culture period .

  21. 利用正交实验方法优化液体种子培养基的配方,通过单因素实验研究了孢子接种龄和接种量对种子生长的影响。

    The seed medium was optimized by orthogonal experiments ; the spore time and inoculum 's effect on seed was studied by single experiments .

  22. 采用单因素试验优化了种子培养条件;通过响应面法优化了发酵培养基组分。

    The optimum seed culture conditions were obtained by single-factor experiment . The optimum composition of fermentation medium was obtained by response surface methodology ( RSM ) .

  23. 该菌种在小麦种子培养基上培养以后,除麦角新碱外,根据薄层层离鉴定结果证明还产生三种麦角生物碱。

    By thin layer chromatography , it has been shown that this strain , cultured on wheat seed medium , was able to produce three other ergot alkaloids besides ergometrine .

  24. 在培养过程中,种子培养基含有的新霉素可以保持生产过程质粒稳定,这可以大大减少新霉素用量。

    The neomycin in the seed medium could hold the stability of pDC-TNF during culture process , so the quantity of neomycin used in fermentation culture could be reduced much .

  25. 种子培养基、碳源补加、蛋白质处理和混合菌种发酵对总高级醇和正丁醇的生成有较大的影响;

    Besides , seed culture medium , the addition of carbon sources , protein treatment , and mixed microbial fermentation would influence greatly the formation of total higher alcohols and n-butyl alcohol .

  26. 应用正交设计和响应面法分别优化出种子培养基和发酵培养基的配比,并对种子培养条件和发酵条件进行了研究。

    The proportions of seed medium and fermentation medium were optimized by orthogonal design experiment and response surface analysis of SAS software . The seed culture conditions and fermentation conditions were also studied .

  27. 脱脂乳+20%番茄汁+2%菊芋抽提液作为种子培养基产酸速度快,双歧杆菌活菌数高。

    Several formula of seed mediums were compared , milk + 20 % tomato juice + 2 % extractions from Jerusalem artichoke can accelerate to produce acid , attain higher Bifidobacterium Longum number .

  28. 将耐红霉素3万μg/ml的变株进一步用长波紫外线诱变处理,在含有5%正丙醇的种子培养基中进行筛选,得到耐红霉素和正丙醇,活性提高19.1%的变株。

    The mutant resistant 30,000 μ g / ml of erythromycin was further treated by near UV , the mutant showing 19.1 % higher activity was isolated in the medium containing 5 % n-propanol .

  29. 试验结果表明:通过种子培养方法能有效提高贮藏种质的发芽率和成苗率,发芽率比对照提高0%~25%,成苗率提高0%~25.6%

    The results showed that the germination percentage and seedlings percentage were increased effectively by seed culture method , and the germination percentage and seedling percentage increased by 0 % - 25 % and 0 % - 25.6 % individually compared to the check one .

  30. 杨树人工种子置于培养基5d后,A、B、E处理区尚无变化。C、D处理区开始发芽。

    After 5 days the seeds on mediums C and D began to germinate , but no changes on A , B , E mediums .