
  • 网络superabsorbent
  1. PAAS/PVA凝胶明显改善了以往凝胶的质地和溶胀速率,为高吸水性材料的制备提供了新的方法和材料,具有十分重要的应用前景。

    PAAS / PVA gels used the method to prepare significantly improved the texture and rate of swelling of general gels . It provided a new method and idea to prepare superabsorbent material .

  2. 合成方法对高吸水性材料结构与性能的影响探讨

    Exploration of Synthesize Methods to Structures and Properties of Superabsorbent

  3. 高吸水性材料的复合化及进展

    Progress of complex high water - absorptive material

  4. CMC-g-AM/SiO2杂化高吸水性材料的合成

    Preparation of CMC-g-AM / SiO_2 Superabsorbent Hybrid Material

  5. 纤维素系高吸水性材料的制造方法

    The manufacture of cellulose high water-absorbing material

  6. 商讨中提出的一个安装想法是,电梯内可安装配有防水袋或其它类型高吸水性材料的便携马桶,整个马桶用可折叠纸板结构制成。

    One idea is that lifts could be fitted with portable toilets featuring a waterproof bag or other absorbent material inside a collapsible cardboard structure .

  7. 本论文以高分子化学和高吸水性材料相关理论为基础,结合矿井用新型水凝胶密闭填充材料的具体应用工艺,对此种材料的成胶工艺、合成反应机理和吸水膨胀机理进行了分析阐述。

    Based on interrelated theory about High Polymer , high water-absorbing resin and technics of application , this paper analyses and expounds the technics of gel formation , the mechanism of synthesis and hydrogel theory .

  8. P(AM-co-AMPS)/SiO2高吸水性杂化材料的合成研究

    Study on the preparation P ( AM-co-AMPS ) / SiO_2 superabsorbent hybrid materials

  9. 无机非金属材料发展的新趋势及其影响无机层状矿物/聚合物高吸水性复合材料

    Progress on inorganic layered mineral s / polymer super absorbent composite

  10. 纤维素接枝丙烯酰胺/高岭土高吸水性复合材料研究

    Study on super absorbent composite of cellulose grafted acrylamide / kaolin

  11. 伊利石高吸水性复合材料的制备工艺研究

    Process of preparing illite high water absorbability composite materials

  12. 粘土/聚丙烯酰胺系高吸水性复合材料的研究

    Study of superabsorbent composite of clay - polyacrylamide

  13. 高吸水性树脂材料的研究进展

    Development of High Water - absorbing Materials

  14. AM-g-CMC/高岭土高吸水性复合材料研究

    Study on superabsorbent am-g-cmc / kaolin composite

  15. 在聚丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺/蒙脱土高吸水性复合材料研究中,考察了引发剂,交联剂和蒙脱土添加量对所得复合材料吸水能力的影响。

    The effect of initiator and cross-linker on water absorption of obtained superabsorbent nanocomposites was studied .

  16. 在软质聚氨酯泡沫成型过程中加入纤维素接枝丙烯酸类吸水剂,制得了一种柔软的高吸水性复合材料。

    A kind of soft super water absorbent resin was prepared by adding cellulose-acrylic acid graft water absorbent to soft polyurethane foam shaping process .

  17. 应用统计学方法(Box&Benken设计)于电子束电离辐射制备高吸水性高分子材料过程的因子设计和分析。

    Abstract A statistical method ( Box-Benken design ) is used to evaluate effects of three kinds of important additives in the preparation process of superabsorbent polymer by ionizing irradiation of electron beam from an accelerator .

  18. 稀土/高吸水性树脂复合材料的制备方法及其热稳定性

    Preparation of rare earth / super absorbent polymer composite and its thermal stability

  19. 有机蒙脱土/聚(丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺)高吸水性纳米复合材料的制备、性能及表征

    Synthesis , properties and characterization of P ( OMMT / acrylic acid-acrylamide ) nanocomposite

  20. 为洋芋淀粉的改性开发利用和制备高吸水性保水材料提供工艺依据。

    Potato starch and acrylate were used as materials to prepare super absorbent resin by grafting .

  21. 介绍了高吸水性树脂在卫生材料、机能吸水材料、低温渗透压脱水片、医用材料等方面的应用研究进展。

    This article describes progress in research on application of high water absorbing resins in the manufacture of sanatory materials , functional water absorbing materials , low temperature osmotic pressure water removal plates and medical materials .