
  • 网络Advanced oxidation process;advanced oxidation technologies;AOPS;aop;aOT;AOTS
  1. 全文分为六章:1.文献综述:臭氧、高级氧化技术及化学耗氧量的应用和发展;

    The dissertation consists of 6 parts : ( 1 ) A review of the application and development of the ozone technique , AOPs and the methods for determining COD .

  2. 本论文针对化纤废水的水质特点,在八种高级氧化技术处理对比试验的基础上,确定采用UV/Fenton法作为化纤废水的处理技术。

    According to the characteristics of chemical fibre wastewater , and on the basis of contrasting experiment of eight types AOPs technology , the thesis determine UV / Fenton process as the treat method .

  3. 臭氧高级氧化技术处理酸性红B染料废水

    Experimental Study on Degrading Acid Red B in Advanced Oxidation Technology of Ozonization

  4. 基于超声辐射的高级氧化技术处理偶氮染料酸性绿B的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Treatment of Azo Dye Acid Green B by Advanced Oxidation Processes Based on Ultrasonic Irradiation

  5. O3/H2O2高级氧化技术H2O2加入量的简易控制方法

    A simple control method of suitable dosage of H_2O_2 for O_3 / H_2O_2 advanced oxidation process

  6. 除草剂2,4-D的O3、O3/H2O2高级氧化技术研究

    Oxidation of Herbicides 2,4-D by Ozone and Ozone Combined with Hydrogen Peroxide

  7. 基于超声化学的废水高级氧化技术介孔纳米TiO2的超声化学法合成及其表征

    Advanced oxidation processes based on ultrasonic chemistry SONOCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANO-SCALE MESOPOROUS TiO_2

  8. 电化学催化氧化技术是高级氧化技术的一种,能产生具有强氧化性的OH?,是处理有毒有害、难降解废水的一种有效手段。

    Electrochemical catalytic oxidation , which can produce OH ? , is an advanced oxidation technology and an effective means to deal with toxic and harmful wastewater .

  9. BDD电极电化学高级氧化技术用于有机废水的处理

    Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation Process with BDD Electrodes for Organic Wastewater Treatment

  10. Fenton氧化法是较为常用的一种高级氧化技术。

    Fenton oxidation is one of the advanced oxidation technologies ( AOTs ) in common used .

  11. 本研究成果丰富了Fenton高级氧化技术理论,并为Fenton技术在工业废水处理应用中的过程控制提供了科学研究参考。

    It also provided the science references to process control of Fenton technology in industrial wastewater treatment .

  12. TiO2光催化技术作为一种高级氧化技术在水处理方面具有明显的优势及良好的发展前景。

    Titanium dioxide ( TiO2 ) photocatalysis technology that is used as one of the advanced oxidation technologies has remarkable advantages and prospective development .

  13. Fenton反应作为一种高级氧化技术具有氧化能力强、高效快速等优点,目前被广泛应用于处理高浓度难降解有机废水。

    Fenton reaction as one of advanced oxidation technology has the advantages of oxidation ability strong and high efficiency .

  14. 技术可行性分析表明,可采用AOP高级氧化技术与生物处理相结合的工艺对脱盐脱钙废水进行预处理。

    The proper pre-treatment technology for calcium-containing wastewater is the combined process of advanced oxidation technique with biological treatment .

  15. 本文以柳江水源为对象,研究了H2O2/催化剂、O3/催化剂、O3/H2O2这三类高级氧化技术对受污染源水的处理效果及影响因素。

    This thesis experimental study on treatment effect and its influencing factor for contaminated raw water by H_2O_2 / catalyst , O_3 / catalyst , O_3 / H_2O_2 these three kinds of advanced oxidation processes .

  16. 非均相光Fenton作为一种新型高级氧化技术,较好地克服了传统FentonH2O2利用率不高、反应体系pH要求较低等缺点。

    As a new advanced oxidation technology , heterogeneous Photo-Fenton gives a better way to overcome some problems such as the low efficiency of H2O2 , low pH requirement of the reaction system .

  17. 高效新农药取代苯基异恶唑和取代苯基吡唑类除草剂的研究除草剂2,4-D的O3、O3/H2O2高级氧化技术研究

    Study on Novel High Effect Herbicides with Substituted Phenyl Isoxazole and Substituted Phenyl Pyrazole Structure Oxidation of Herbicides 2,4-D by Ozone and Ozone Combined with Hydrogen Peroxide

  18. 对与臭氧有着不同反应活性的3类有机污染物,探讨并建立了O3/H2O2高级氧化技术H2O2较优投加量的简易控制方法。

    For three organic contaminants with different activities to ozone , a simple control method of suitable dosage of H_2O_2 for O_3 / H_2O_2 advanced oxidation process was established .

  19. 吸附,洗气和高级氧化技术已经运用于去除空气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),比如甲醛和丙酮。

    Adsorption , scrubbing , and advanced oxidation have been applied to remove volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) in air , such as formaldehyde and toluene .

  20. 电芬顿技术(EF)作为一种新型、高效、清洁的电化学高级氧化技术,近年来备受研究者的关注。

    Electro-Fenton technology ( EF ) is a new , efficient and clean electrochemical advanced oxidation technology , which has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years .

  21. 由于TiO2光催化氧化能够降解水体和空气中的绝大多数有机污染物,降解最终产物为H2O、CO2和无害盐类,产物清洁,被认为是一种极具前途的有机污染物高级氧化技术。

    Due to the complete mineralization of a wide variety of organic compounds to CO_2 , H_2O and inorganic constituents in aqueous / air media , the photocatalytic oxidation of TiO_2 is regarded as an interesting advanced oxidation technique .

  22. Fenton氧化法作为一种高级氧化技术,在废水处理领域已经得到深入的研究,而最近在土壤和地下水有机污染修复中也受到越来越多的重视。

    As one of the advanced oxidation technologies , Fenton oxidation has been deeply researched in wastewater treatment . Recently , the technology attracts more and more attention in organic polluted groundwater remediation .

  23. 高级氧化技术(AOP)是以羟基自由基(·OH)为主要作用因子的氧化过程,利用AOP处理难降解有机污染废水已成为当今环境污染治理领域研究中的热点。

    Advanced oxidation process ( AOP ), which produce strong oxidant of hydroxyl radicals (· OH ) in the reaction mixture , have gained widespread and increasing attention for the treatment of refractory organic pollutants in Wastewater .

  24. 在此基础上,对采用UV/Fenton、UV/H2O2、UV/TiO2三种高级氧化技术氧化降解MTBE进行了系统的研究。

    On the basic of this work , degradation of MTBE in aqueous solution by UV / Fenton 、 UV / H_2O_2 、 UV / TiO_2 three advanced oxidation processes was investigated and researched carefully and systematically .

  25. 电催化高级氧化技术(AEOP)是近年发展起来的新型高级氧化工艺(AOP)。

    The advanced electro catalysis oxidation processes ( AEOP ) is a new type of advanced oxidation processes ( AOP ) which has developed recently .

  26. 采用高级氧化技术(AOPs)氧化降解含氨氮的废水,实验研究了不同pH、不同初始氨及H2O2浓度对反应过程的影响。

    The advanced oxidation process ( AOPs ) is used to degrade NH 3 N containing wastewater . The effect of different pH values , various initial ammonia and different hydrogen peroxide concentrations on reaction process was studied experimentally .

  27. 以超声/膨胀石墨结合的方法用于酸性棕348染料工业废水的脱色,脱色率达到85%。Fenton反应是一种高级氧化技术,超声/Fenton试剂结合能有效地降解有机物。

    In the optimum conditions , the removal ratio of Acid Brown 348 from industrial wastewater was 85.0 % . Fenton process is one of the advanced oxidation technology , and it combined with ultrasound is effective to degrade the organic contaminations .

  28. Photo-Fenton高级氧化技术是处理难降解有毒有机废水的一种有效的方法。

    The photo-Fenton oxidation , which can treat high concentration and toxic organic wastewater effectively , was a kind of effective technique . This paper described the mechanism and effects of photo-Fenton oxidation .

  29. PbO2/SPE复合膜电极在无机化工、有机化工及环保领域有着广泛的应用和广阔的发展前景,尤其是作为高级氧化技术在电解处理难降解工业废水方面有着不可替代的作用。

    PbO_2 / SPE composite membrane electrode is widely used in the areas of inorganic and organic chemical engineering as well as environmental protection , especially in electrolyzing the waste water that is difficult to degradation , acting as a kind of advanced oxidation technology .

  30. 和O3相比,O3/H2O2体系降解效果好,降解时间短,反应条件温和,操作费用低,是很有发展前景的高级氧化技术。

    O3 / H2O2 had more advantages such as excellent degradation effectiveness , faster removal rate , more moderate conditions and lower operating cost than O3 system . O3 / H2O2 technology was an excellent advanced oxidation process in removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid .