
  • 网络Lake of Fire;Fire Lake
  1. 死亡和阴间也被扔在火湖里。

    Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire .

  2. 这火湖就是第二次的死。

    The lake of fire is the second death .

  3. 问题5.在撒旦之前被扔入不死的火湖的是谁?

    Q.5 Who are thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur before Satan ?

  4. 若有人名字没记在生命册上、他就被扔在火湖里。

    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire .

  5. 因为我们知道,所有的人类都犯了罪。并且所有的罪人,如果他们不信靠基督为救主,都会在那个火湖当中来度过永恒的。

    All mankind are sinners and all sinners who do not believe in Christ as Savior spend eternity in the Lake of Fire .

  6. 他们都照各人所行的受审判。14死亡和阴间也被扔在火湖里;

    And they were judged , each one according to his works.14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire .

  7. 那迷惑他们的魔鬼,被扔在硫磺的火湖里,就是兽和假先知所在的地方。

    And the devil , who deceived them , was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur , where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown .

  8. 这火湖就是第二次的死。15若有人名字没记在生命册上,他就被扔在火湖里。

    This is the second death.15 And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life , he was cast into the Lake of Fire .

  9. 地狱是火湖文圣经称地狱是火湖,是人死后经过最后的审判时不合格的灵魂被烧毁的地方。

    Hell is a Lake of Fire The Bible refers to Hell as a lake of fire , it 's a place burning up those souls or spirits that have not passed the final judgment .

  10. 翻译过来就是:那些迷惑他们的魔鬼被扔到硫磺的火湖里,也就是野兽和假先知所在的地方。他们必将昼夜受尽痛苦,直到永远。

    And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur , where the beast and the false prophet were , and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever .