
gòu wù kuáng
  • shopaholic;shopping
  1. 噢,你真是个购物狂!

    Mary : Oh , you 're such a shopaholic !

  2. RebeccaBloomwood是个购物狂,就算信用卡已经欠账还是忍不住买买买。

    Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopaholic . She is addicted to shopping though she 's in debt .

  3. Chinsumer,就是Chinese(中国人)与consumer(消费者)的合成词,可以翻译为“中国购物狂”,指出国旅游时出手大方,购置各类名牌商品的中国消费者。

    Chinsumer , a blend of Chinese and consumer , refers to generous Chinese consumers who spend a lot on brand name products when travelling abroad .

  4. 我的女朋友是个购物狂。

    My girlfriend is a mall rat .

  5. 购物狂们可以躲在电脑后面在绝对隐私的环境下买买买。

    Lovers of shopping are hiding behind their computers where they can spend , spend , spend in complete privacy .

  6. 是啊,GabrielSolis一直是个非常讲究的购物狂。

    Yes , Gabrielle had always been a demanding shopper .

  7. GabrielSolis一直是个非常讲究的购物狂。

    Gabrielle Solis had always been a demanding shopper .

  8. Workaholic(工作狂)和shopaholic(购物狂)这两个词与talkaholic一样都是以-aholic为后缀的,这个后缀表示对某事有极度的兴趣,或者对某事上瘾。

    Similar words like workaholic and shopaholic are all ended with the same suffix-aholic , which means of an obsessive interest in something .

  9. 福冈市长高岛宗一郎(TakashimaSoichiro)表示,这些邮轮的一大好处,就是可以运来大批“购物狂”,为他的城市带来巨额利益。

    The great benefit of the cruise ships , says Fukuoka 's mayor , Takashima Soichiro , is that they can deliver the lucrative " shopping bomb " exploding in his city .

  10. 如果你是一个购物狂,就开始购买资产吧。

    If you are a shopaholic , start shopping for assets .

  11. 天生购物狂&创意购物袋设计巡览

    Crazy for Shopping & Creative Design of the Shopping Bag

  12. 常言道五个女人中必有一个是购物狂。

    It is said that one woman in five is a shopaholic .

  13. 我从不知道你是个购物狂。

    I never knew you to be an impulse shopper .

  14. 接着我又看了一部片名叫《购物狂》的英文电影的八分之三。

    Then I watched three eighths of an English movie called Shopaholic .

  15. 把那个给我退后购物狂

    Give me that . Back up , mall rat .

  16. 于是,我便又接着观看电影《购物狂》。

    Then I began to watch the film Shopaholic again .

  17. 我医生医购物狂最棒。

    My doctor is very good in healing shopaholic .

  18. 但这对中国内地的购物狂们几乎毫无影响。

    But this had little effect on Chinese shopaholics .

  19. 比利:那你是生了啥病……购物狂,抢拍卖一族啊?

    Billy : So what 's your illness ... shopping fever , sale-itis ?

  20. 你是一个“按需购物者”还是一个“购物狂”?

    Are You an Under-buyer or an Over-buyer ?

  21. 购物狂声称,购买某些东西后他们会感到自己的地位有所提高,心情有所改善。

    Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something .

  22. 我是个购物狂。

    I have the tendency to shop .

  23. 她不是购物狂,只是太容易被行销广告欺骗。

    She does not shop too much , she is overly susceptible to marketing ploys .

  24. 购物狂症会带来毁灭性打击。

    The shopaholism can have devastating effects .

  25. 我偏要你继续做购物狂。

    Yet I let you be yourself .

  26. 让我们看看潜意识的力量可以帮助可怜的购物狂。

    Lets see how the power of Subconscious mind can help out the wretched Shopaholic .

  27. 购物狂是很漂亮的。

    A Shopaholic is very beautiful .

  28. 购物狂是很开心的!

    A Shopaholic is very happy !

  29. 致所有购物狂和购物袋上瘾者的通告:我们这里,有你一定感兴趣的购物袋。

    Calling all shopaholics and sacks addicts : we 've got your fun bags right here !

  30. 几乎世上所有男人都会觉得女人是购物狂。

    Every man in the world is likely to think that women are addicted to shopping .