
  • 网络Restaurateur;Restaurant Owner
  1. 餐馆老板只会讲洋泾浜英语。

    The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English .

  2. 当地一个餐馆老板M.说,每天太多人来来往往,踩在那些石头上,这样损坏了那些古庙。

    Local restaurant owner M. believes that too many people walking on the stones are damaging the temples .

  3. 可以得出这样的结论:餐馆老板不必"过分担心‘糟糕’的餐桌",因为它们能带来利益。

    It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not " be overly concerned about ‘ bad ' tables , " given that they 're profitable .

  4. 那时,汤被认为是可以帮助你“恢复”健康的东西——在法语中,"恢复"这个词是"餐馆老板"的派生词——所以他又把汤叫做"餐馆"。

    At that time , soups were considered something that could help " restore " your health - in French the word " restore " is " restaurer " --- so he called the soups " restaurants " .

  5. 他们请来当地中餐馆老板KenSo扮演与投资者联络的角色。

    They enlisted Ken So , a local Chinese restaurateur , to act as a conduit for investors .

  6. 布里切特的父母分别是一名承包商和一名餐馆老板,他在2006年毕业于塔夫茨大学(TuftsUniversity),获得了电气工程学位。

    The son of a contractor and a restaurant owner , Mr. Brichter graduated from Tufts University with a degree in electrical engineering in 2006 .

  7. 一位叫DanTana的好莱坞餐馆老板也参加了这个项目。

    A Hollywood restaurateur named Dan Tana is also on board with the project .

  8. 此外,苹果(Apple)、Facebook和谷歌(Google)这样的科技界巨头在拿餐馆老板们无法匹敌的薪水、福利及其他一些好处来挖走他们最出色的后厨员工、洗碗工和服务员。

    And tech behemoths like Apple , Facebook and Google are hiring away their best line cooks , dishwashers and servers with wages , benefits and perks that restaurant owners simply cannot match .

  9. 餐馆老板丹尼·梅耶(DannyMeyer)在T4开设了两个ShakeShack餐馆的分店以及BlueSmokeontheRoad烤肉店的分店。

    There are two branches of the restaurateur Danny Meyer 's Shake Shack in Terminal 4 , and one of his barbecue place Blue Smoke on the Road .

  10. 不是BlueFig等流行咖啡馆里的年轻人,而是能简单介绍当地风土人情的有礼貌的店主和餐馆老板。

    Not the youth of trendy caf é s such as The Blue Fig , but the courteous shopkeepers and restaurateurs who offer such an easy introduction to the region .

  11. 餐馆老板阿基·拉赫曼已经向民航局(CAA)申请合法飞行的执照。

    Restaurant owner Aki Rahman has applied for a Civil Aviation Authority ( CAA ) licence so he can legally pilot the aircraft .

  12. 餐馆老板里克斯坦(RickStein)8年前和前妻吉尔(Jill)离婚,却继续和她一同开办新的分店,并由斯坦女士设计内部装潢。

    The restaurateur Rick Stein and his former wife Jill divorced eight years ago but continue to open new ventures together , with Ms Stein designing the interiors .

  13. 一位认识赫斯顿.布鲁门塔尔(HestonBlumenthal)的朋友刚刚采用了一台微波炉,他跟我说,这位英国大厨和餐馆老板在自己家里不用,因为它“太复杂”了。

    A friend who knows Heston Blumenthal has just adopted a microwave which , he told me , the British chef and restaurateur was not using at home because it was " too complicated . "

  14. 我们有全澳最天然的农产品,从加拿大移居而来的餐馆老板金姆·西格莱姆(KimSeagram)说,塔斯马尼亚比世界其他地方落后15年真是件好事。

    ' We have the most natural produce in the country , ' said Canadian expat and restaurateur Kim Seagram . ' That 's the nice thing about Tasmania being 15 years behind the rest of the world . '

  15. 厨师是餐馆老板的生意合伙人。

    The chef was a business partner of the restaurant owner .

  16. 他不是唯一一个拥有奥运梦的北京餐馆老板。

    His isn 't the only Beijing eatery with an Olympic-size dream .

  17. 当我们到那时,餐馆老板会说,

    We would drive down there , and the restaurant owners would go ,

  18. 这位餐馆老板说:我还学到了‘七次会谈规则’。

    " I also learnt the seven meeting rule ," says the restaurateur .

  19. 节目还采访了两位餐馆老板,两人皆承认这种歧视性做法在业内很常见。

    Two restaurateurs interviewed for the show admitted such discrimination is common practice .

  20. 众多餐馆老板只拥有一家餐馆;

    Many restaurateurs are content with one restaurant ;

  21. 我称赞厨师做的菜味道好.随后我给雇用他的餐馆老板写了封信表扬他。

    I later wrote to commend him to his employer , the restaurant owner .

  22. 餐馆老板没有朋友。

    Restaurant owners don 't have friends .

  23. 餐馆老板在抱怨我们提供服务的质量。

    That restaurant manager has just been complaining about the quality of service we provide .

  24. 在北京,我们和一个小餐馆老板待了一天。

    We spent a day in Beijing with a man who ran a little restaurant .

  25. 她那兢兢业业、吃苦耐劳的良好表现也赢得了餐馆老板阿力克斯的青睐。

    Her good performance of hard & working made a favorable impression on her boss Alex .

  26. 他说,他已经开始和一些餐馆老板洽谈,让餐馆向顾客们出售自己的素食食品。

    Mr Scionti said he had already approached restaurant owners about selling his vegetarian food to customers .

  27. 一颗米其林星是很多餐馆老板毕生的追求,它带来的市场力量是非常大的。

    A Michelin star is the life goal of many restaurateurs , and the distinction has immense marketing power .

  28. 他们有时和认为果酱瓶就是葡萄酒杯的餐馆老板一样神智不清。

    They can at times be as delusional as restaurateurs who think that jam jars are the next wineglass .

  29. 两年前,一群莫斯科餐馆老板做出了一个理论上貌似不错的商业决定。

    Two years ago , a group of Moscow restaurateurs made what on paper looked like a sound business decision .

  30. 餐馆老板说近千人来此享受水中用餐,而这也为餐馆带来10000元/天的营业额。

    The owner says about one thousand people came to " eat-in-water , " which brings 10000 yuan of turnover a day .