
cān fèi
  • Meals;boarding expense;food bill
  1. 我今天的餐费花了25英镑。

    I 've spent £ 25 on food today .

  2. 我用信用卡支付餐费。

    I put the meal on my card .

  3. 这家餐馆收了20英镑的餐费。

    The restaurant charged £ 20 for dinner .

  4. 你的餐费另计。

    The price of your meal is extra .

  5. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)提交的法庭文件称,葛兰素史克“将现金贿赂伪装成咨询费、高价餐费、周末休闲活动开支和奢侈娱乐活动开支”。

    The US Department of Justice legal filings said GSK made use of " cash payments disguised as consulting fees , expensive meals , weekend boondoggles and lavish entertainment " .

  6. 费用包含:学费,书籍,住宿,夜间活动,保险,中国24小时支持,出发前LSP工作人员的支持,以及每周两次“会话午餐”餐费。

    Includes course fees , books , accommodation , evening activities , insurance , 24-hour support in China , pre-departure support from LSP staff , and two'conversation lunches'per week .

  7. 用户通过OpenTable应用软件预订餐厅时可获得积分。积分可以叠加成餐费的折扣。

    OpenTable gives users points when they make reservations . The points can add up to discounts on restaurant visits .

  8. 要做到这点并不容易,但省下的餐费可不少。

    It 's not easy . But these meals add up .

  9. 餐费和外出浏览的费用都包括在内的。

    The meals and excursions were included in the hotel price .

  10. 你会得到餐费和杂费补助。

    You will receive an allowance for meals and incidental expenses .

  11. 最后德苏萨开始用这张信用卡付餐费、买衣服。

    He eventually started using the card for meals , then clothes .

  12. 他是否有意要我们分担餐费。

    Did he intend us to share the cost of the dinner ?

  13. 最后到达的人付餐费。

    The last one to arrive pays the meal .

  14. 如果餐费中不包含服务费,那么除了总帐单外,要再给15%的小费。

    If no service charge is included , add15 % to the total bill .

  15. 但是服务员说在船上票价中包含着餐费。

    But the waiter said that ship meals were always included in the ticket .

  16. 吉米被选为班上收餐费的班长。

    Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor .

  17. 你要支付住宿及餐费吗?

    Do you pay for accommodations and meals ?

  18. 财务部门会报销所有的餐费和差旅费。

    The accounting department will reimburse you for all your meals and travel expenses .

  19. 无酒精饮料包含在餐费里,但瓶装饮料另计。

    Soft drinks are included in the price , but bottled drinks are extra .

  20. 他们各出一半餐费。

    They went fifty-fifty on the dinner .

  21. 费用包括行程内之餐费、票、店及专业导游和旅游巴士服务。

    Price includes meals , admissions , hotel , tour , guide and transportation service .

  22. 职员:有餐费补贴吗?

    Worker : Is there Dinner fee ?

  23. 300美元的餐费里还包括豪车接驾到餐厅的服务。

    The $ 300 fee per guest includes a limousine ride to the restaurant 's destination .

  24. 你欠我餐费9元,住马厩6元。

    You owe $ 9 for your meals , $ 6 to sleep in the stalls .

  25. 酒店为各位嘉宾提供早餐,餐费已包含在房费之中。

    The hotel offers all attendees with breakfast , which has been charged at the room rate .

  26. 我付了餐费,但当我们离开餐馆时,费尔普斯想散一会儿步。

    I pay the bill , but as we leave the restaurant , Phelps wants to linger .

  27. 他的零用钱全花在了餐费上,他说人际交往成本很大。

    He spends all of his pocket money on meals . He said socializing contributes to high expenses .

  28. 可以开住宿费。餐费。电话费。会议费。

    The invoice may included the fee of hotel room , meal , communications , and conference expenses .

  29. 在大部分欧洲国家,餐费中已含了服务费;

    In most countries in Europe , for instance , the service charge is included in the meal ;

  30. 工作时,你仅仅能在吃午餐时获得片刻休息,而你还得自付餐费;

    At work , you only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it ;