
  • 网络Restaurant service
  1. M:MissLu,你有餐厅服务的经验吗?

    M : Miss Lu , have you got any experience in restaurant service ?

  2. 内容包括:法国葡萄酒,如何对食品,酒类,烹饪班,餐厅服务,组织和人事管理。

    Subjects covered include : French Wines-how to pair food and wine , Cooking classes , Restaurant Service , Organisation and staff management .

  3. 每学期每个学生都要在餐厅服务一周。

    Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester .

  4. 为了满足这些业务需求,设计了基于SOA的软件总体架构,分别从应用程序基础结构、网络、数据、管理和安全五个方面进行了技术性论述,并设计实现了面向餐厅服务的详细系统功能。

    To meet these requirements , software system architecture was designed based on SOA . The architecture was discussed in five sections : application infrastructure , networking , data , management and security . Detailed system functions derived from the requirements were designed and implemented .

  5. 该酒店已经暂停餐厅服务。

    Service at the hotel 's restaurant has since been suspended .

  6. 餐厅服务台吗?

    Is this the service counter of the restaurant ?

  7. 在等待餐厅服务时,则增加至13分钟整。

    That increases to 13 minutes exactly when queuing for service at a restaurant .

  8. 这家餐厅服务很慢。

    Service is slow in this restaurant .

  9. 我要找个人来做餐厅服务生轮班

    I 'm trying to find somebody to cover a busboy shift at the restaurant .

  10. 如需预定宴会,可直接与餐厅服务台接洽。

    For banquet , reception reservations , please contact the service desk of the dining hall .

  11. 兰登那餐厅服务人员:好的,请稍等一下,我查一下我们的预约薄。

    La Lanterna Restaurant : Alright , just a moment please and I 'll check our reservations book .

  12. 一名餐厅服务生会把每个参赛者的食物端走、然后倒上垃圾再端回给他们。

    A waitress took each participant 's food away from them , before bringing it back covered in trash .

  13. 本快餐厅服务周到,环境整洁,接受电话订餐。

    This fast food restaurant provides thorough and satisfactory service in a clean and tidy environment . Telephone orders are welcome .

  14. 就象典型的现代侍者令人不舒服一样,餐厅服务人员令人感到很舒适(华盛顿邮报)

    The dining room staff is as comfortable with making you comfortable as the typical modern waitron is uncomfortable ( Washington Post )

  15. 最近数月,谷歌在纽约的部门减少了免费餐厅服务时间,暂停了传统的下午茶点服务。

    In recent months , it reduced the hours of its free cafeteria service and suspended the traditional afternoon tea in its New York office .

  16. 例如,《自助餐厅服务》课会包含金融、语言(针对国外人士的服务)、写作技能和沟通技巧的内容。

    For example , cafeteria services lessons will include elements of finance , languages ( to help serve foreign customers ), writing skills and communication skills .

  17. ◎服务秘书免费提供代订饭店、机票及餐厅服务,并享有特别签约折扣。

    Your individual secretarial service team will help you for the arrangement of hotel , service apartment , transportation and flight ticket , with contracted & discounted rate .

  18. 他还说道:“我知道人们抱怨法国餐厅服务态度糟糕,但是有的顾客在赶时间的时候,对我们也挺粗鲁的。”

    He added : ' I know people say that French service can be rude but it 's also true that customers can be rude when they 're busy . '

  19. 与此同时,她却赢得越来越多选民的支持,许多餐厅服务生、出租车司机都成了她的“粉丝”。

    Meanwhile , she actually wins more and more voter 's supports , many dining room servers , the taxi drivers have become her " the bean or sweet potato starch noodles " .

  20. 她说,数以百计的猫也是被送往广州,在中国南部,面积为臭名昭著的餐厅服务肉食猫狗和异国情调动物如蛇和老虎。

    She said hundreds of cats were also being sent to Guangzhou in southern China , an area infamous for restaurants that serve meat from cats and dogs and exotic animals such as snakes and tigers .

  21. 客人在这家酒店可以品尝美味的食物,在餐厅服务中随意设置。也可以在这里是一个酒吧,这是一个理想的去处罚款与朋友喝酒,放松身心。

    The hotel 's restaurant serves the most delicious and mind blowing meals you would never wish to miss and you can also enjoy the choices of drinks that the hotel 's bar has to offer .

  22. 此安排是依据餐厅服务传送系统来分配,在实际执行质量高技能展开方法时,管理者可以依据实际情况,改变其资源配置的运用策略。

    This arrangement is based on the restaurant service delivery system to allocate the actual implementation of high quality skills development method , the manager can change the use of its resource allocation strategy basing on the actual situation .

  23. 旅游团对这家饭店餐厅的服务质量抱怨颇多

    The group are grousing about the service in the hotel restaurant .

  24. 要知道,当时可没有Zagat或Yelp这类餐厅点评服务,所以母亲只能冒昧地向陌生人求助。

    With no Zagat or yelp on the scene back then , my mom resorted to cold calling .

  25. 在附近的Atkins,农场主们午餐时间聚集在Atkins国际餐馆,他们向餐厅女服务生辛迪?约翰逊诉苦。

    In nearby Atkins , farmers gather in the Atkins International caf é at lunch time , and review their woes to waitress Cindy Johnson .

  26. TheClink餐厅的服务人员是来自加的夫(Cardiff)和普莱斯各(Prescoed)的监狱的囚犯。这家监狱餐厅打败了包括戈登•拉姆齐(GordonRamsay)和杰米·奥利弗(JamieOliver)等名厨经营的餐厅,夺得了榜单的第十名。

    The Clink Restaurant , staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prisons , beat establishments run by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to take 10th place .

  27. 在线餐厅订餐服务Wi-Q的首席技术官斯图尔特•巴尼特(StuartBarnett)尝试过几家大型数据服务提供商,他表示技术问题通常依靠电子邮件处理。

    Stuart Barnett , chief technology officer of Wi-Q , an online restaurant ordering service , has tried several big providers and says that technical problems are often handled by email .

  28. 这里的奥特利Spa浴场(OhtliSpa)是墨西哥最好的Spa浴场之一,占地2.2万平方英尺,设施齐全(旋涡浴、足浴、香薰按摩蒸汽浴和桑拿浴);此外还有四个餐厅、服务齐全的沙滩和泳池,以及颇具墨西哥风情的客房。

    Not only does it have the Ohtli Spa , one of the best in Mexico with 22000 square feet of facilities ( whirlpools , foot baths and an aromatherapy steam room and sauna ) , but it also has four restaurants ; a sandy , full-service beach and pools ; and rooms decorated with Mexican touches .

  29. 位置很偏僻。餐厅的服务很恶劣!

    The location is far away and the service is bad !

  30. 在中等价位的餐厅,服务生的工作量是否少于高档餐厅的服务生?

    Do waiters in mid-priced restaurants work less than those at high-end ones ?