
  • 网络Table;dining table
  1. 用于高级拼花板,单板,餐台,木皮贴面,办公家具。

    Uses in putting together the top board high-level , the veneer , the dining table .

  2. 适用与板式家具、餐台台面、钢琴部件、陶瓷、门板、工艺品等。

    It is applicable to plate-type furniture , dining table surface , piano components , ceramics , door board , art crafts and so on .

  3. 米其林三星餐厅L'AtelierdeJoelRobuchon的定价是餐台席位每位3680港币,加收10%的服务费;

    At Michelin 3-star rated L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon , the per person tariff for dinner is only $ 3680 plus 10 % service charge , for a seat at a table .

  4. 您预订了明晚七点钟六个人的餐台。

    You have booked a table for six at7:00 tomorrow evening .

  5. 餐台下有油脂或脏的胶贴。

    When greasy , dirty rags are used to wipe the tables .

  6. 餐台上有几碗焦盐坚果。

    There is bowl of salted nuts on the bar .

  7. 我想订一张四人餐台。

    So I 'd like a table for four .

  8. 晚膳后,妈妈收拾餐台的碗碗碟碟。

    After dinner , mother clears away the table .

  9. 欢迎各商家来样订做相关的餐台、机械及五金产品。

    Welcome to order relevant table , machinery and hardware production from your samples .

  10. 好的,我替您预订一张10餐台。

    All right . I 'll have a table for ten reserved for you .

  11. 马来西亚橡木餐台椅

    Malaysian Tables and Chairs Made of Oak

  12. 餐台和椅子是摇晃的。

    When tables and chairs are wobbly .

  13. 本公司还专业生产厨房料理台面,窗台板,实验台,餐台,吧台,接应台等。

    We also produce kitchen platform , window still board , testing table , bar table and counter .

  14. 餐台上的艺术

    Art on Dining Tables

  15. M开我玩笑说,那个晚上,我好看的照片大多数都是在餐台周围拍的。

    Mike made jokes with me that mostly the nice pictures of me taken that night were around the meal table .

  16. 铭亿达五金家具有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的宴会家具生产企业。专业生产餐台、餐椅、玻璃转盘等产品。

    Mingyi Da Furniture Made factory is a company dedicates to the research , production , marketing and service of the furniture for banquets .

  17. 那个瘦小的老头径直走到餐台,很干脆地点好餐,然后付了款。

    The little old man walked right up to the cash register , placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal .

  18. 精致玻璃家具是一家拥有先进设备,专业设计、生产、销售各类热弯玻璃茶几、餐台、影视柜。

    Jingzhi is with advanced equipment , professional designs , and produces and sells various Hot Bend glass coffee table , buffet , the Television modern .

  19. 苏黎世在1525年废除了弥撒。他们用新的敬拜礼仪来庆祝主的晚餐,用主餐台和桌布来取代祭坛。

    In Zurich , the mass was abolished in1525.The Lord 's Supper was celebrated with a new liturgy that replaced the altar with a table and tablecloth .

  20. 大面积的餐台玉石面,必须竖抬,避免餐台断裂。小面积的玉石面也应竖拿,切忌平面横抬横拿。

    The large bowlder surface of dinner table must be uplifted vertically in avoidance of breakage . The small one shall also be held vertically instead of horizontally .

  21. 其产品主要集中于现代式民用家具,室内餐台、茶几、电视柜、液晶电视架配件。

    We aim at research , design and development of Jiahong products , producing multi-function living room furniture such as dining tables , coffee tables and TV stands .

  22. 精致玻璃家具自成立以来,着重于现代中、高档茶几、餐台、影视柜的生产工艺研究和设计理念更新换代。

    Jingzhi glass furniture since its inception , with a focus on modern , high-grade coffee table , buffet , video production technology counters research and design upgrades .

  23. 到2015年,美国将有2000家门店推出自选口味服务,顾客可以通过触屏点餐台选择更多种类的高端汉堡,可以加鸡蛋、熏肉、烤蘑菇等食材。

    By 2015 , 2,000 U.S. locations will offer the menu platform , which allows customers to order more high-end burgers with toppings like eggs , smoked bacon and grilled mushrooms via tablet-like kiosks .

  24. 在Web管理端完成了菜品的搜索、菜品的收藏、菜品的上传和餐厅的导航功能,在Android客户端实现了点餐、查台、转台、并台、下单和周边搜索的功能。

    In the Web management side , it completes the dishes searching , collection of dishes , dishes uploading and restaurants navigation . The Android client implementation achieves ordering a meal , checking station , turning tables , and combining tables , placing the orders and the surrounding search function .